time with Yahweh during the day
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March 15, 2022


Yahweh knows why he showed me the promise of protection today. This morning, it was revealed that an officer was intentionally attempting to tarnish my name. Last week a similar incident was observed, but Yahweh protects. When weapons are formed against me, they won’t prosper and every tongue that rises against thee in judgement thou shalt condemn. Yahweh thank you for your protection. You’ve built a wall around me that protects, but still allows me to see sometimes what you are protecting me from. 

I pray that the officer chooses a life in you, that their actions would be changed to bring you glory. Yahweh, you are my army: you are my God and I will put my trust in you. 

CONFESSION: I hold pastors to a higher standard than lay people. If from the pulpit something is preached that is wrong (I am not talking interpretation because there is lee-way for that), if you give me a definition and everywhere I looked that definition can’t be found, but the definition “ties” into the narrative of the sermon, it’s a turn off to me. I don’t trust it because if the foundation is wrong, then there is nothing to stand on.

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