time with Yahweh during the day
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January 12, 2022

My body knows what it needs even if my mind doesn’t. I felt so tired this morning that I decided to listen to my body and rest. Was being encouraged to get up and drink tea, but rest is important.

Now I have seen Yahweh use YouTube to send me messages or confirmation on things not spoken out loud. This one this morning was the strangest, yet one of the most applicable. A video by someone I’ve never heard of came up in my feed. I was looking or rather intending to pull up one of the speakers that I know to listen to, because even though I wasn’t able to physically study this morning the way I prefer to, I still wanted to spend time and hear a message. What came up was a topic called, “The Year of the Bride”. I watched it with a little side eye and then went on: because a year of solitude ain’t about marriage. Yes, I’ve been called to prepare for many things, but I did not want to listen to someone wax eloquent about who will get married this year and all that.

But my mind kept going back to it and I decided to listen (facepalm). While it did have a brief section about marriages (in the physical), it was about preparation. Ensuring that you are ready for what God is calling you for – and yes that did include marriage, but that wasn’t the primary focus. The truth is, there are some things in the Bible that you “know” but don’t always remember. Yahweh called me to a year of solitude. Twelve months. In addition he also called me to prepare certain things in the physical, not just the spiritual. He revealed previously that part of this preparation was also towards marriage. What does this have to do with the scripture that I “know”?

Esther 2:12 – Each young woman’s turn came to go in to king Ahasuerus after she had completed 12 months of preparation, according to the regulations to one for the women. For this were the days of their preparation apportioned: six months with oil of myrrh, and six months with perfumes and preparations for beautifying women.  

Seeing the synergy of the twelve months preparation. Six months of one thing. Six of another. To prepare. We often underestimate how much Yahweh has called us – is calling us to prepare. It’s always easy to think that things would “fall into place” and in a way it does. Or rather it looks that way. But the truth is, soil would have been prepared. Seeds planted and watered. The harvest took preparation. We should not devalue the time Yahwh has set aside for preparation.

Prepare (Spiritual)- to be firm. Be stable. Be established. To be ready.

Prepare (Physical) – make something read for use or consideration.

Spiritually, prepare is a state of readiness.

Physically, prepare is getting something ready.

We are called to be in both stages at the same time. Always spiritually ready, while getting the physical ready.

Yahweh, thank you for your call on my life. I ask for your spirit to abide with me as I abide in you. To be ready. To prepare and be prepared. I pray for discernment, to separate right from wrong. Truth from deceit. I pray also for the one you are preparing for me. For your healing in his life. Your discernment to permeate his being. Open his heart to you. Thank you for your word in my life. For your direction. I lift up my parents to you. May they choose to honour you. Their hearts to be in tune, aligned with you. Thank you for who you are. I love you.


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