Morning Star
Spread the love

July 30, 2022


Good morning Yahweh. What will you have me do?

Thank you for being here for me and for loving me unconditionally. You are awesome, you know that? Thank you for answering prayers, and for hearing us. Thank you for cleansing us. You truly are wonderful, marvellous and nothing like these other “gods.” You actually care and talk with us and we did not make you. Thank you for all that you are inherently. Beyond what we can hope or imagine.

Yahweh, your people.

Your church.

I wish I could say it was otherwise, but we too harden. We don’t want to listen. You want to do things our own way. We tear each other down. But you lift up. You bring people back to each other. Yahweh, I pray that your church will come back as one. United in prayer. One people under you instead of a collection of parts. Help us to honour you in spirit and in truth. To honour you with our breath. To honour you with who you have created us to be. Thank you for moving in us. Perfecting us as individuals and using us for your purpose and to share your glory. Bind us together. Hope: Cord. Our story is your story and your story is ours. You will be done. On earth as it is in heaven. Hmmmm. Though.

  • On earth as it is in heaven.
  • What is bound on earth is bound in heaven.

Matthew 6:10 – Let your kingdom come. Let your will be done on earth as it is done in heaven.

I am not sure how to explain the thoughts going through my mind. This almost seems cyclical. What you desire in heaven is done on earth and what is done on earth is done in heaven. That almost seems like the rain or water cycle.

  1. The sun heats the ocean or body of water.
  2. Water evaporates and rises into the air.
  3. Water vapour cools and condenses, becoming droplets and forming clouds.
  4. When enough water collects, it becomes heavy and falls to the ground as rain and snow.
  5. Rain and snow collects in ground wells. Flows in bodies of waters, lakes and oceans through rivers and the process begins again.

Isaiah 55:10-11 – “Rain and snow come down from the sky. They do not go back again until they water the earth. They make it sprout and grow so that it produces seed for farmers and food for people to eat. My word, which comes from my mouth, is like the rain and snow. It will not come back to me without results. It will accomplish whatever I want and achieve whatever I send it to do.”

Side by side. This is the cycle of prayer. I’m just gonna choose a starting point.

Since all things begin with you.

Let your kingdom come.

Your will be done on earth.

What you desire comes to earth. It waters us. Provides for us. Builds us up. We are strengthened in you. And we offer up our praise to you. We make our request to you. And because we are listening to you, we ask according to your will (p.s. The sun is both good times and bad times – it warms us nicely, it can also burn at times). But it is what encourages us to pray, which ascends to heaven and you answer and send the results back to earth and the process begins again.

Be done thy will of you:

Be Done: ginomai: to come into being, to happen, to emerge, to manifest (implying movement or growth).

The Will: thelema: a desire – God’s preferred will, i.e. his “best offer” to us. Which can be accepted or rejected.

So Also: Kai: and, even, also

You have said – this is what you desire for us. We accept it. We allow it to produce seed and food in our lives which nourishes others. And as we give thanks and praise, as we ask Yahweh for what we desire, it returns to him. Without us accepting what is offering, it cannot return to him. Once we accept it, it returns to him with prayers and thanksgiving, so it literally does not return void (empty), unfulfilled.


You might bind on the earth will be bound in the heavens:

You might bind: des: I bind, tie, fasten, I compel, put under obligation (p.s. This is also why we say “hope.” It ties us back to you).

Will be: eimi: I am, I exist (the words Jesus used when he said, he was the way/I am the way), to remain, to happen. It is both present and future. Even Jesus Christ’s death and resurrection is part of the cycle. Or rather the cycle is also represented by his birth (come to earth), watered the earth (miracles, word), went to the ground (burial) and return to heaven (resurrection).

I am not even sure where to go from here, but I do know it starts with you and ends with you. You offered your best to us. It’s up to us to accept and water the earth. And then return to you. Help me to trust you at all times that your offer is best and it won’t return void once we accept it.

Thank you for your everlasting love to us. Thank you for who you are. You are an awesome God. I love you.

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