January 18, 2023
9:00 am : Shaw Park Complex
And today!! I am at a training seminar. I truly believe in training: ongoing training and am currently also arranging training for the staff. The vehicle is seriously going through issues and I’m not seeing the resources to get it serviced. Last night I was looking for power steering fluid when I realised it was so low. But none of the stores had. This morning I received a little from a friend, but I have to purchase. Yahweh, this is truly in your hands. I am thankful for your provision and your favour.
4:00 pm : my desk at work
Sitting in the training this morning highlighted somethings for me:
- I have to do something.
- What I started this year is the right thing to do.
The truth is: I don’t like micro-managing, but I do believe in people knowing their responsibilities and the standards that they are held to. Even myself. In the past years, we have been so short staffed that my duties have changed significantly. So after today, Yahweh, I ask for your grace. Your strength. It’s not what I’m paid for. It’s not even my duties, but I truly desire that the department will shine the way it ought. Help me to know what to do. And how to move forward. Amen.
9:27 pm : Finally!! On my bed
Now the day is over. Thank you for today. I learnt a lot. And not have to take the time to implement what was learnt. This evening was also another invitation delivery day and these folks made out like bandits!! At one home they got chocolate. Another home gave them a plant and another drinks and snacks. But “NPC” took the cake. I know that nicknames are expected but to hear someone called NPC had me like, huh? NPC – Non playable character. Essentially this person is known for always being on the fringe to them. But it’s funny because I know them to be active, they just don’t be up front.
And now it’s time for bed. It’s been a long day, but a productive day. And I am thankful. Yahweh. Thank you for being God. Thank you for being good. Thank you for provision and the fulfilment of prayers. Yahweh, I bring my vehicle before you. It is in serious need to servicing, but I don’t have the resources of my own at this moment. I pray for provision anyway you see fit. Anyway you are willing to do it. I know that you are able to. And I am thankful for your amazing capacity. Thank you for your promises. Thank you for you!! I love you.
- Training!! I honestly love learning new things, new info. It is fun. Thank you for the opportunity.
- Invitation deliveries.
- Key has started journaling! Happy dance!
- Sample print of the first signature for the new journal. It is looking good so far.