"Speak up" in white letter with gold background
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February 16, 2023


12:08 pm : Actually having lunch. Yayyyy!!

Thank you for the cancelled site visit. I still have work, but I can take this moment. Thank you!! And Yayyyy! The photographer actually responded with affordable rates!! Thank you!! Thank you!!


4:15 pm : At my desk at home

So I came home with the intent to re-sew the cover for the Bible. But I can’t find anything. My Mom rearranged her sewing room. (It’s hers of course), but the cloth I had there cannot be found and a couple other things and she is on the boat with no signal. So what’s a girl to do? Wait. Definitely seems to be the second message of the day – that and don’t give up. 


the words, "Don't Give Up" written in purple and pink


7:39pm : Waiting to leave home

So I think Daddy missed Mom. Why do I say that? Normally when Mom goes to Trinidad, Dad usually asks me to pick her up. But today he was like, Oh, I’ll come with you. And then 7 o’clock I see him come out dressed: he’s ready to go. It’s kinda funny because even though they say the boat supposed to dock at 7, they don’t usually come out until after 8. It takes 15 mins to get there. I no longer rush down. I wait and then go down. But it’s funny/cute that he’s ready. 

By the way. Remember. Don’t Give up!!

Keep moving in what Yahweh has shown me. Even if I don’t see the promise fulfilled as yet. Yahweh, thank you for always speaking and always reminding me. Thank you for not getting tired of me. Help me to be content in every season. And thank you for the photographer!! Happy dance!! Thank you!! Thank you!! For caring about the little things. Thank you for being the God of the big things. Thank you for being amazing. I love you. 


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