May 15, 2022
Facepalm. Listening to the interpretation of Pharaoh’s dream in a recent video, I remember thinking: but that interpretation is so obvious. But here I am thinking about the dream with the dilapidated church and realising that the interpretation wasn’t that obvious. And I understood how Pharaoh felt. Yeah, when you are living something versus reading the cliff notes after it is finished: two different things.
Huh. Thank you. Yesterday donations were being collected to help pay rent for a family. Truthfully I didn’t have much. Wasn’t sure how the rest of the month would work out (as per usual, but you know, trusting Yahweh). But I gave what I had. Not gonna lie, I was tempted to hold back a five dollars but gave that too. I was just given $100. The person said they felt impressed to give it to me. Like what?!!! Thank you!!