April 13, 2022
Thank you for today. I didn’t quite know what to expect, but I chose not to hyperfocus on writing everything. It was a bit strange in a way, but good strange.
Yahweh, I lift my brothers to you. I pray that everyday that they were to live with integrity. To honour you in their hearts. May they walk the path that you have set before them and not turn to the left or the right. Yahweh, I pray that in all they do, they would be the husbands that they’re called to be. They’re not usually all together, but today they are. Let them not be too busy to support each other. Sometimes it feels that they are (almost) strangers, but it is never too late to be brothers in spirit and in truth. May they allow you to lead. Thank you for your protection and provision in their lives. Thank you for who you are. I love you.
- My brother is visiting. Travelled here in one piece.
- Quiet(ish) day at work.
- A day spent in your presence. (I’m always in your presence ehhh, but you know what I mean).
1 John 3:23, 24 – This is his commandment: to believe in his son, the one named Jesus Christ and to love each other as he commands us. Those who obey Christ’s commandments live in God and God lives in them. We know that he lives in us because he has given us the Spirit.
I am not yet as confident as I desire to be. There is a part of me that still thinks that I need to always be “perfect,” that I need to always be studying the Bible intensely when not doing other required things.
Today, I read and meditated on the same chapter. I did not pull out the dictionary, none of that. I just read over the chapter several times – as I wrote out 1 John 3:23-24, I realised that wait, I knew this scripture. It meant so much to me that I had written it before. But now I need to remind myself once again.
- Yahweh does not ask for perfection, he asks for us. Me. As I am. He won’t chase me because I wasn’t super spiritual in a day. And I don’t think he expects me to.
- Don’t get so caught up in the routine – how I study everyday, that I lose sight of why I am studying and reading in the first place. That’s to hear from God.
Thank you Yahweh for your grace. Thank you for your love. Thank you for being a part – the biggest part of my life and for loving me. Thank you!