August 1, 2022
Observation: it’s easier to read the Bible in any other version than the King James. Nothing wrong with it, but for readability, other translations are easier. Also some books of the Bible are easier to read. By the time you wink you’re at the end of the book. Others, it feels like days and you’re still on chapter one.
As I was typing up previous journal entries a thought came to mind. It’s easy to overlook the ways that you speak to us. I remember a friend saying that she doesn’t feel like you are speaking to her. But you are always speaking, but we have to have that expectancy that you are speaking. So many hear a sermon, then read the Bible and then watch a movie. In each of these separate instances there is a recurring message, but we either don’t notice or chalk it up to coincidence. After all, Yahweh will not use something like a movie to talk to us. Yes, yes you will. But there was a scripture that I read today that sums it up:
Colossians 4:2 – Keep praying. Pay attention when you offer prayers of thanksgiving.
Pay attention. Don’t just pray and walk away lah-di-dah. Pay attention. Be on the lookout for the response. Tune our ears to hear his word everywhere. And it’s usually repeated and reinforced. That’s Yahweh but if we’re not paying attention, we will miss it.
- Rainforest hike. It’s a rainforest, but with the extra rain, it was extra wet.
- Your word reinforced ten times over.
- A new season. A new month. Month eight.
- The refining fire of Yahweh.
- Colossians, Lamentations, 1 & 2 Thessalonians