Spread the love

January 7, 2022



A pair of people engaged together in the same activity.

Thank you Yahweh for calling all of us to be partners with you. Though the truth is, you are the named partner doing all the heavy lifting and that’s the way it should be. Thank you for inviting me and welcoming me. I pray that I will do what is best for us to grow closer together. You are amazing. Thank you for all that you’ve done for me. Thank you for loving me and for choosing me. You are my champion!! Hallelujah!! (The dog keeps barking for no reason. Sigh).

1 Corinthians 1:9 – God faithfully keeps his promises. He called you to be partners with his son Jesus Christ our Lord.

(I’m sorry. I am distracted. I know part of my frustration is with the reality that Mom brought him home after I said no more dogs. I do love animals, but it is too much. It’s almost $800 every month between the cats and the dogs. Yahweh, I honestly don’t think I want any pets for a while after moving out. Because it’s funds I don’t have and noise that I realise my tolerance is low for right now. I hope to improve. I’m working on it)

Thank you for calling me to partner with you because let’s face it, without you, I would be an unholy mess. I wouldn’t know how to live a fulfilling life. Thank you for that.

Hebrews 3:14 – After all, we will remain Christ’s partners only if we continue to hold on to our original confidence until the end.

Trust God in everything. Believe in what he says. Do as we are called. It’s easy to lose hope or to lose sight of what Yahweh has called us, but when we put our complete confidence in Yahweh, he remains with us. He continues to partner with us and we continue to grow in him.

Yahweh, thank you for coming into my life. For working in me to become who you want me to be. Thank you for your word over my life. Thank you for being intentional with me and inviting me along with you. I desire to move forward day by day in your promises. Thank you for instilling better values in me;. Thank you for using me. I love you Yahweh. And thank you for your strength to come through the seven days rejoicing!!

Help me not to become puffed up. Is it worth the wait? I hope so 🙂 I believe so. I know so. I’m not sure where exactly I go from here except with the house and even with that, I only “know” up to a point. My worth and value is based on you and who I am intrinsically. Though sometimes I feel as though I need someone to show appreciation for me. But I’ve also realised that lately I don’t feel that need to be validated and I am thankful for that.


Sigh. I felt that: she cried when she realised that no one would be waiting for her at the airport. I am thankful for my parents, at least I’m usually met by them. I don’t share much of my life with anyone. A lot of times, people want to talk down to me so I don’t feel encouraged to share anymore. It’s truly sad to lose connection.

Thea currently better understands my life at the moment. We don’t share often. But there is something. So Yahweh, I will be transparent with you.

Isolation leads to transformation.


  1. Day 7!! Signed commitment agreement.
  2. Actually saw a difference in my gym clothes in the mirror.
  3. Remembering to walk with my head up (didn’t do it all the time, but I’m getting there)
  4. Very quiet neighbour. Provide and protect.
  5. The end of a productive work week.

Yahweh, I feel like I’m coming off a high and may crash. So many feelings are skipping through my mind and body. I want to sleep, but my mind isn’t very quiet at the moment. I feel like falling asleep next to someone. I feel physically alone. I know that you are here and I’m hella thankful for that. I don’t know where this feeling is coming from…but I am acknowledging it and moving on from it. It’s not something I can have for the foreseeable future…but Yahweh, bet your bottom dollar, I am not gonna, not lie down next to the man you’ve given me. He gotta be a hugger, because I want to be hugged up every night. Every night!! Well once we are in the same bed. 🙂 Thank you for your promises. Thank you for believing in me and allowing me to partner with you. I am your daughter and I am thankful for your sacrifice to save me. To save us. I still don’t understand what type of love is that, but I am eternally grateful for it.


Jeremiah 1:6 – Jeremiah said, “Almighty Lord, I do not know how to speak. I am only a boy.”

Psalm 119:54 – Your laws have become like psalms to me in this place where I am only a foreigner.

Deuteronomy 32:39 – See I am the only God. there are no others. I kill and I make alive. I wound and I heal, and no one can rescue you from my power.

When I say “I am only,” I am 🙂 limiting God and thereby limiting what he can do through me.

“I am” is Yahweh also and saying that he is “only” is an attempt (that will never succeed) to limit his power.

But when Yahweh says, “I am only” there is no limit. He is the ONLY God. It’s an indication of his uniqueness and sovereignty. He is the only king. He is the only saviour.

We limit God when we limit ourselves. We are his children (not “we are only” his children, as though being his children is minor).

Make it a declaration: I am Yahweh’s daughter with all the authority that he has given me as his heir. I am not “I am” but his offspring. And I will walk in his word. I will walk on his word. Thank you for being the ONLY God. Thank you for being the ONLY Saviour. Thank you for all that you are.

Isaiah 43:25 – I Alone AM the One who is going to wipe away your rebellious actions for my own sake. I will not remember your sins anymore. 

God only. He alone can cleanse and save us. He alone.


Spread the love