January 31, 2023
7:00 pm : On my Bed
What the hell?!! People were minding my business?!! Granted we weren’t a secret, but to hear someone describe a location that Jeffers and I were exploring is weird because we did not meet anyone up there. Sigh. Why though, do these reminders all come in at the same time? Today Jeffers messaged and now someone called and brought him up. I am doing my best to move on. I’m pretty sure that’s what I’m supposed to do. Move on.
8:57 pm : back in my bed getting ready to sleep.
Can you believe it? January has ended. I was so tempted to stay home tomorrow, but I am booked at work for the rest of the week. Father, I need your strength. Thank you for each day that you have given me. Thank you for today.
Tomorrow I attempt a detox again, but not with ginger/lemon tea. Not at all. Will see what happens.
What am I thankful for today?
- Painful and pleasant memories. But they are just that: memories.
- Strength for today. I don’t know where I am going because he said, “Stand Still,” but I will trust Yahweh. Btw…stand still, but I pray that in the end I am not in the same spot.
- Got my computer!! Happy dance!!
- Figuring out the issue with the leatherette. Yayyy!!
I will be still and know you are God. Thank you for being God. I love you.