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May 11, 2022

Thank you. No, it hasn’t been worked out as yet, but thank you for the encouragement. 

Proverbs 5:15 – Drink water out of your own cistern and running water from your own well.

I am totally misappropriating this passage, but I must admit feeling discouraged. Something that seems simple to others, is so difficult for me and yet I am called to do this. I stepped away from the site for a bit and after a while I started to type up the next journal entry. I was reminded of Jeremiah and Moses and Esther. All people Yahweh called. People who had a difficult task and had to push through somehow. I was reminded that Yahweh is a personal God and he will hold me up. Jeremiah was thrown into a pit, but even then Yahweh was with him. And he brought him out. Thank you for your reminder. I had to drink from my own well. Though truly it’s yours. 



  1. I am going to be a licensed UAV pilot. Say what? Yep. Bonus of the equipment being signed off on.
  2. After stepping away from the project so that’s not to get frustrated, the company sent an email asking me to send the info and they will do it. I was shocked. Mind you, another person had also reached out and asked what tutorials I had done. But I had intended to start over and had deactivated it. Well, they fixed the issue. There is so much to learn, but by the grace of Yahweh I will. 
  3. Planted three trees today!
  4. Obadiah, Jonah 

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