July 11, 2022
Good Morning Yahweh. I just realised something: I had dinner about seven thirty last night due to how the day went. I hadn’t eaten lunch. But I think that next time it would be better to just not eat. I don’t like how I feel when I wake up in the morning. So going forward, truly have to be mindful of that.
Thank you for this morning.
Thank you for your love.
Thank you for who you are.
For using me according to your purpose.
Thank you for loving me.
Last night (yesterday) we were talking about faith without works. It’s not that we live by works, but that when we pray that we must then be prepared to put into action whatever Yahweh tells us to do. He may tell us to be still or go talk to someone or whatever. But he will answer any prayer – especially a request prayer with whatever is to be done next.
Reading a scripture this morning and it’s just drove home the point:
Nehemiah 4:9 – But we prayed to our God and set guards to protect us day and night.
They prayed and then set guards. Prayed and then did what Yahweh said for them to do. And sometimes we don’t see what is going on while the prayer is being answered. Last week, I prayed that the youths would be able to find someone in the church community that they connect to – doesn’t have to be me, but someone. On Saturday, in speaking to another adult she mentioned that she’s usually able to have conversations with one, two of the young men in the church. I remember being thankful for that, because sometimes we forget. And it just shows that you answer. You may not always show it tangibly to us, but you answer. Thank you for answering prayers. Thank you for the grace that you have placed over us.
Thank you for your direction, your love and your appointed time. Thank you for the joy that comes from you. Was just remembering the scripture from last night that ended, “the joy of the Lord is your strength.” Thank you for being our strength and joy. Lol. Though on deciding to search for scripture about joy, why does the first scripture have to be James 1:2?
James 1:2 – My brothers and sisters, be very happy when you are tested in different ways.
It seems strange that we should be happy to be tested and it is. But I don’t think it’s the actual testing we should be happy about, but the result of the testing. I spoke about being put through the fire, I actually said that it’s a fire to purify, not to kill me (thank goodness). But this fire can come in so many ways. This testing. But “endure until your testing is over. Then you will be mature and complete and you won’t need anything.” James 1:4.
Hebrews 12:2 – We must focus on Jesus, the source and goal of our faith. He saw the joy ahead of him, so he endured death on the cross and ignored the disgrace it brought him. Now he holds the honored position—the one next to God the Father on the heavenly throne.
I’m noticing a trend here. “He saw the joy ahead of him” and so he endured. And I’m reminded of another famous scripture, “All things work together for our good.” (Romans 8:28). It’s truly not a proclamation that everything will always be good, but that if we hold fast, if we look at the joy we will inherit in the future (and not just heavenly future), we will find the strength to make it through whatever we are going through now. And we can even find joy in whatever we are going through now. We may not like it, but we can find joy in it, knowing that there will be something good. Thank you so much for your promises. Thank you for your love and your promise of today and tomorrow.
John 16:22-24 – “Now you’re in a painful situation. But I will see you again. Then you will be happy, and no one will take that happiness away from you. When that day comes, you won’t ask me any more questions. I can guarantee this truth: If you ask the Father for anything in my name, he will give it to you. So far you haven’t asked for anything in my name. Ask and you will receive so that you can be completely happy.
SIDEBAR: There was a time that it bothered me that people would insist we must end every prayer with the words, “In Jesus’ name.” And I rebelled against it because it seemed like something that had become a ritual with no meaning. Just tack on, “In Jesus’ name” at the end of any prayer without a thought. Even now I rarely say the words and it’s not even as a form of rebellion. Now I say it at the end of certain prayers based on how the spirit moves. But in reading the scripture, it became very obvious that it’s not the words, “in Jesus’ name” that matters, but are we seeking and asking according to Jesus’ will for our lives? Are our prayers in harmony with Yahweh’s desires? And that’s what’s truly important. Not the words. The heart. End sidebar.
Jesus desires for us to be happy. Not to be living a life of despondency. To be happy. Now and when we see him face to face. Even happier. Oh happy day!
Yahweh, I pray for Angie and Mia. That their joy would be found in you. That while there may be (will be) trials that they have to endure for a little while, that there will be joy. There is joy even now, knowing that you are moving to make all things beautiful. Thank you for your presence in our lives. You are my joy. I love you to you and back.
I could not make this up if I tried. Focus on joy and happiness today. And as I decided to draw out, “the joy of the Lord is my strength,” with a focus on the word “Joy,” I decided to listen to some music while drawing. And I pulled up YouTube. Front and centre, top of the newsfeed is a sermon entitled, “The Hard work of Happiness.” I kid you not. A sermon that was posted ten hours ago and I wasn’t on YouTube all day or night yesterday. I think I know what I’ll be listening to.
Psalm 126:1-6 – When the Lord restored the fortunes of Zion, it was as if we were dreaming. Then our mouths were filled with laughter and our tongues with joyful songs. Then the nations said, “The Lord has done spectacular things for them.” The Lord has done spectacular things for us. We are overjoyed. Restore our fortunes, O Lord, as you restore streams to dry riverbeds in the Negev. Those who cry while they plant will joyfully sing while they harvest. The person who goes out weeping, carrying his bag of seed, will come home singing, carrying his bundles of grain.