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January 4, 2023


Good Morning Yahweh. Thank you for everything. For life. For love. For grace.  For your presence. For your guidance. You are an amazing God and because you are amazing, I can be unshakeable. Thank you so much for being my God. For being my friend. For being my brother. For your love. Thank you for loving me.

Thank you for the people that you have placed around me. Thank you. Yahweh, I pray for your continued grace so that as we step forward we would rightly represent you.

I am in awe.

And this is just the beginning. I don’t even know what to say so Imma be quiet.

You’ve Been a Friend – Israel and New Breed


Thank you for your presence.

Thank you for being so good.


What just happened?

I started listening to music and worshipping. The second song came on just following the one I had originally selected. P.s. the song is 19 minutes long. As the song played and I sang, after a while I started reading my prayers from last week Wednesday (“Still Good” – December 28, 2022) and the text Proverbs 18:16 was highlighted because of how many times it came up. I also spoke about the scripture last night.

As I read about Yahweh opening doors, but that we need to also be aware that Satan opens doors, I started to wonder if the door that just opened was a God door and I prayed about it. Then I heard what they started singing at that point in the nineteen minute song:

“So many doors you’ve opened.

So many ways you’ve made.”

And it repeated.

Thank you so much for the doors that you’ve opened. Thank you for your guidance and direction.

You’ve been so good.

You are so good.

And I’m not talking about this tiny, huge door that you’ve opened. You are good. You’ve been a friend. You helped me when I cried and rejoiced when I sang. You’ve kept me. You’ve led me into dry places and you’re making rivers in those dry places. Thank you for being so good. So beautiful. I love you.


Jeremiah 29:11 – I know the plans that I have for you, declares the Lord. They are plans for peace and not disaster, plans to give you a future filled with hope.


Filled with hope. Thank you!! Not just for me. For all your people.

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