Morning Star
Spread the love

September 22, 2022


Good Friday Morning Yahweh! Thank you for today. Thank you for waking me up. Thank you for your love. I love you.

I couldn’t make it. I was up for all of eight minutes at the 2 o’clock time but was monumentally tired and could not focus. But I am thankful for life. I am thankful for rest because I clearly needed it. And so often we underestimate the need for rest. And yes (no shame), I was up later than usual talking with the parents.

Yahweh, thank you for my parents. Thank you for the ways that you have used them, for what they have taught me. Thank you for providing for them. I pray that they will continue to trust you. That they will seek your face at all times and live in such a way that others are blessed.

I lift up the church community and leaders before you.  I pray for the grace that we remain fixed on you, that we should honour you in all that we do. That we will always remember who we are representing. I pray especially for the leaders: that they will work together, recognizing that the church as one entity that ought to work together as one body.

Yahweh, humble us to serve you, to worship in spirit and in truth. Help us not to think more highly of ourselves than how we think of others. Help us to put on love and to never take it off. So that is one look others can see you through us. Help us not to forget out faces but to write your words in our hearts and to live a life that is pleasing to you.

The youths and young adults in the church. Bind them together in you, so that they choose you at all times. That they know you because you are life itself. You are the most beautiful, honourable, amazing God. Move in their lives. Let their thoughts be of you and may they live for you. Strengthen Miya. There is so much wrapped up in her. I pray that she truly lets her light shine for you. That she will draw others closer to you. Thank you Yahweh, for everything that you are. For all that you’ve done for us. Without you, we can’t do anything. So I praise you and lift your name high because you are worthy to be praised.

Thank you Yahweh, I love you. This is my prayer for this moment, in this name of Jesus. Amen.

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