May 19, 2022
I’m so proud of myself! After the overtime limit with everything yesterday, it’s now 12:00pm and I have not gone on to the site. I actually stopped for lunch (the very awesome black bean burgers) and have even laid aside the work project. I do have a skit to finish up, but I am on the last scene, so whooohooo! Thank you for keeping me on track. I do appreciate it.
Would you believe that what was taking me an hour yesterday, I was able to do in six minutes and get off the site today? Thank you! Thank you!
Today I had a conversation with a young lady and she asked me since I want to get married where do I go to meet guys? I debated answering the question with the whole truth, because I know not everyone would even understand what I was called to do right now. But I did tell her that Yahweh has called me to spend one year with him. No dates. Just me and him. Her response: You sure? You sure that was God? I had to laugh and then I shared what led up to it and why I knew it was Yahweh. I told her that if all he’s asking for is one year that’s not too much. Then she asked, but maybe he might decide to shorten the period? I was like, Yahweh don’t change. And then I told her about some of the ways I’ve seen Yahweh lead. She got quiet. Now this is someone who has a relationship with Yahweh and it was hard for her to wrap her head around it. And then she said she doesn’t think God would ever call her to do that.
I told her that I don’t think he would call everybody to do that either. As we were speaking on the phone, I started posting more entries. Copy from the document I type it up in and paste it into the blog. I would do a quick read through for any glaring errors. I sensed that she wanted to ask a question so I told her to go ahead. She asked what do I do about my physical feelings and I told her quite honestly that I pray and sing. Then I said, anyone that tells you the feelings go away not speaking the truth but he does help me to cope when I pray about it.
After I said that, I started reading the entry I was about to post and I stopped with my mouth open. I told her a little bit about the project and then told her that I was going to read the entry that was in front of me this minute. (March 7, morning). She was in shock and said that this was confirmation right there. She said that she couldn’t wait to see what would happen in the end and that we will keep on praying for each other. She is someone that I have been praying for and will continue to. Because Yahweh it’s also working things out in her life even though the right now season feels tough. Yahweh, continue to strengthen her. To keep her that in the end she will come out rejoicing and giving you the glory. I pray for her family to be in honour to you. Keep her Yahweh, in Jesus name.
Thank you for your provision in her life. For seeing your hand at work in that moment. Making the choice in that moment to trust you to take care of today and tomorrow, the big things and the little things. And for her to get another call not long after with the provision that she needed. That was you. That was all you. I can’t thank you enough!! And! And!!
Talking about how sometimes we do go through problems on a way to the promise and I started telling her that Yahweh made me a promise but he also showed where problems would be part of the promise. And as I was about to post another entry, I had to stop because it was about problems being part of the promise. I read it to her. Let me tell you, Yahweh was working overtime in his confirmation this afternoon and I am so thankful. Thank you!
No lie. It is encouraging when I see the tangible evidence of your working. I have to believe in you. I have to believe that all things will work together for my good. This season of preparation, moving into the second phase of the year (Ã la Esther, six months, six months). I am thankful. Six months ago would I have said I would be thankful for the season? Maybe not, but now? Absolutely. Beyond a doubt thankful. For this time with you. I would not trade it for anything else in the world. Thank you.
Psalm 68:19-20 – Thanks be to the Lord, who daily carries our burdens for us. God is our salvation. Selah. Â Our God is the God of victories. The Almighty Lord is our escape from death.
Psalm 9:1-2 – I will give you thanks, O Lord, with all my heart. I will tell about all the miracles you have done. I will find joy and be glad about you. I will make music to praise your name, O Most High.
No other choice but to trust you because you have done so much for me. You are God above all and you know better than me. I will praise you and I will keep on sharing how you are moving and I am so excited to share your manifested promises. I’m going to keep on trusting you!