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December 8, 2022


So I have a retreat this weekend. That I had totally forgotten about. Though to be more specific, I thought it wasn’t happening and I had put it out of my mind. But Imma be going! And hopefully relaxing.



  1. Restoring and repairing a Bible and hymnal. It looks awesome! So hard to believe that I did that! Thank you for these gifts.
  2. Finishing up letter at work.
  3. Being absolutely tired.
  4. Wanting a hug.


Thank you for bringing me through today. Thank you for your grace and your love. I’m looking forward to one of your hugs. It’s gonna be epic. Remember Miya. It’s an interesting role she is taking up at church. I pray that she trusts you at all times. That she will honour you in her words and thoughts. Keep her in your will. Amen.

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