Morning Star
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August 29,, 2022


Tonight/this morning, time seems to be standing still. Most days time seems to be flying. How are you this morning? I’m curious, are there quiet moments for you? Or is it always busy all the time? And I don’t know why I’m curious, but I kinda feel the moments when time is moving slowly are times of “rest” though you don’t rest the way we need to.

Thank you for always being on the alert. Always having us in your heart and always working on our behalf. I am often amazed at the ways that you show your love. Almost said “showed” as though you did it in the past and then stopped. But you are continually showing us how much you love us. And as I look around, I see the evidence: in nature, in your word, when you speak to me. And I am thankful for your love and care because without it we would all be dead. We can’t do life without you. Thank you for who you are.

Yahweh, forgive me. Sometimes the request is a blanket statement because I don’t always remember what I did wrong, and I pray that whatever is specific would come back to memory. Help me to confess and renew my spirit in you.

I bring before you our leaders. The leaders of this nation. It’s a time of celebration and everyone seems to be in a “go mode.” I pray that even during this time that our leaders don’t neglect you. That they seek your face daily. The leaders of this nation. And then the leader of this church – I pray that they have a direct line to you. Not one that is wavering. Not one that cuts out and breaks up, but that they are earnestly seeking your guidance everyday, for themselves, for the church. Cleanse us Yahweh of all that is not of you. Help us to trust you and to do what you desire of us.

We will stay in the ship and work towards a day when we are all operating as one body in you. Yahweh keep your young people grounded in you. To have a personal relationship with you. In Your name I pray. Amen.


Yahweh, serious question. Am I causing division? There has been fragmentation at our church since I can remember. It has gotten worse in recent years. And I ask because (facepalm), thank you for reminding me. It happened for a reason: to bring your people together. And they are coming together even though we don’t always talk every single minute about you. They are coming together and creating their own rhythm in you and there is the hope that they will break off the chains caused by the mistakes of the past. Help us to keep trusting you. To keep growing in you. To honour you even in our thoughts, our words, our actions even if it looks strange to others. Break the band of religion from around them and may they find true relationship with you. Thank you for loving us and keeping us in your will. I love you.

On a completely unrelated note: I do feel after a day of strenuous exercise like today, that when I step on the scale it would show at least five pounds less. Just saying.

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