December 24, 2022
Life is good. I am alive. Parents are alive. I am thankful for the many ways Yahweh has blessed and led and provided. I’m also a bit sad. I’m trying not to be, but I am. So far on the list, so far there have been two no’s. A no for part and I believe a yes for the other part, but that’s to be seen: for the business to prosper. I don’t think I’ve ever gotten so many no’s at one time. And it makes me sad that the others are going to be no’s also. I’m doing my best not to borrow trouble from tomorrow. And I’m trying to hope: the cord that binds.
Yahweh, help me to hold on to you. To trust you. That despite the no’s so far, you are my father, my friend, my God and my King and your no’s are for my good. Even though it hurts receiving it. Help me not to forget your promises.
I had to go back and read. Remind myself of what Yahweh said. Not just what he said, but his covenant. Thank you Yahweh for our covenant that you guarantee. Thank you for being the source of my strength. Thank you for your everlasting love, that you will never leave me nor forsake me.
Yahweh, I bring Jeffers before you. I pray that he keeps his heart fixed on you. That he knows you are a father. Surround him Yahweh. Protect him. This is my prayer in the name of Jesus. Amen.
- Giving gifts to some of the young ladies at church.
- A Christmas production that turned out pretty good.
- Baking bread. Because fresh bread is a must on Christmas!