Morning Star
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January 27, 2022


Time/Days are flying so fast. I can’t believe that it’s already Thursday!! Where did the week go? Thank you for a new day. FYI, I will never get tired of saying that, because tomorrow is not promised. So Yahweh, thank you for today. I pray for your continued guidance in my life: that the path I take would be God approved. 

Cleanse me of all that is not like you. Renew my heart and mind so that it is a reflection of you. I bring before you Lissa. She’s back on the island. I pray that each day she will learn more about you and be drawn closer to you (is it okay to be relieved that she’s back?) Yahweh, teachers and students are returning to physical school soon. It’s not going to be an easy task. There are those who thrived in the virtual environment and those who didn’t (and vice versa). I pray that lessons learnt over the past two years would be implemented and not just a return to what used to be. 

Help us to switch our perspective even at church. There seems to be a strong desire to hold on to the rituals of yesteryear, but I always believe that while you never change, your methods do. Help us to also be willing to change. To live for you. (I honestly was going to say live to please you, but pleasing you is a by-product of trusting you). Help us to trust you in all things and to understand that while we may not know the seasons and the times, that you do and you delight in us. Help us to trust you. Thank you for who you have been in my life. You are the only living king. 

My thoughts are so definitely not your thoughts. You put a lot of thought into the simplest (or what we may consider the simplest things). Reading the description of the sanctuary and how it should be made gives me pause. But when you (by you, I mean me) consider the thought and ceremony put into the clothes of the priest: the meaning of everything – it’s a bit mind-boggling. So much thought was put into one item: an item that has no life, and would need to be repaired constantly. In the case of the Tabernacle it no longer exists in that format, yet you put thought into every aspect of it and they are just “things”.

I heard a statement (I can either confirm or deny its veracity) that if we were to write down the complete genetic makeup of one person, it would be the equivalent of seven Bibles: that’s for one person. Yet you know each of us by name, you know the number of hairs on my head (wish I had more though, just saying). But you know every detail of our lives, each one of us. That is truly amazing. I can hardly wait to sit and talk with you, (we do get to do that right?). But it also makes me wonder, how would you find the time to spend with each of us in the new heaven and the new earth? I know it’s not for me to know (now), but I am curious. I am also thankful for the thought that you’ve put into the making of each of us. You will not forsake us or leave your handiwork to go to waste. Thank you Yahweh for caring for us, for knowing us. For wanting what is best for us and delighting in us. Nothing we do will ever compare, Thank you Yahweh.


James 1:22 -24 – Do what God’s word says. Don’t merely listen to it or you will fool yourself. If someone listens to God’s word but doesn’t do what it says, he is like a person who looks at his face in the mirror, studies his features, goes away and immediately forgets what he looks like.

Huh!! That’s an interesting analogy. You already know what scripture says about fools. Let’s not forget what we look like and don’t forget to fix your clothes etc when standing in front of the mirror.


CONFESSION: This pain is one of the reasons I’ve always feared having children. I actually used to say that I wasn’t doing this unless there was someone to go through pregnancy with me. I’ve had horribly, crippling pain, taken supplements over the years that helped, but now like every other month I experience ovulation pain. Essentially back pain. Right now it’s on the descending side, but it’s still hard to shift positions especially from lying down to standing. No shame: but on such days I use a cane to get up.

Today I needed some comfort food for breakfast instead of my usual smoothie: scrambled eggs, toast and ginger tea. It definitely helped. 

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