January 19, 2023
3:20 pm : Gulf City Mall Parking Lot
I do not like liars, especially if you watch me in my face and lie. Imagine just coming from a meeting with the owner of a security company and they are saying that they’ve never had any complaints from us. And I know of several instances where concerns were raised. Why do we have to lie?
I’m just sitting for a bit before I leave. I am tired. I actually fell asleep on the way back from our site visit this morning. The good thing is that I trust the driver.
6:25 pm : In my room waiting for a virtual meeting to start.
It’s still hard for me to even admit to myself that I am lonely. And I am. I’m lonely. I am thankful for the circle that you’ve placed me in, but each member also has their person so there are definite limits. Yahweh, help me to not lose hope or to dwell in my thoughts. I am monumentally tired and in my feelings. Annddd…I’m gonna go now. Probably read. Probably cry. Probably all of the above.
I’m tired of doing things by myself, for myself. Yahweh, please don’t forget me.
- Being so physically tired that I fell asleep on our way back from a site visit today.
- Last invitation delivery. There’s still more, but I’m not delivering anymore.
- Yahweh is redeeming the years.
Thank you for being you.