"Speak up" in white letter with gold background
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February 24, 2023



Thank you Yahweh.


I wanna be tried by fire. Purified. 

You take whatever you desire. 

Lord, here’s my life.


Yahweh, this is my prayer. Truly woke up with this song in my thoughts and I know it’s not an easy prayer. It’s definitely not painless. But even on the worst days, it’s better to burn for you than for Satan. Yahweh, purify this community. Cleanse us and remove all that is not of you. Our hearts, our mind, our words to be yours. The boys no longer hang out on the street for which I am thankful, but Yahweh, I pray that they choose you. That they enter into a covenant with you. Touch them and restore them to you.

This household. Cleanse us Yahweh. Mom, Dad, me. We are yours. To do your will. Heal our hearts from the hurts of the past and let our hearts be in alignment with yours. Thank you for your protection and provision. Thankyou for the million and one ways that you’ve shown your love. Help us to reflect what you’ve given us.

Today is yours. Everyday is truly yours, but I am officially offering it back to you to do your will. To honour you.

Yahweh, there is a part of me that wants to be known and there is a part that wants to stay in the background. I don’t know which to follow, if either. I pray for your continued guidance that I will do what is true for me and honourable to you.

Keep my body Yahweh as a sacrifice to you. In honour of you. Thank you for who you are. I love you.

See, there are words that are triggers when I see them, not always the same word, but sometimes it’s something that I just thought. I literally just prayed about being torn between wanting to be known and wanting to be in the background. And then reading the Verse of the Day to start, selecting to have joy and contentment in all seasons and then seeing this prayer come up.

“God, by your grace, you have offered me a relationship with you. I can be known by you and I can know you.”

Thank you Yahweh for knowing me. And for letting me get to know you. It’s the best way to be known by you.

Matthew 7:22-23 – Many will say to me on that day, ‘Lord, Lord, didn’t we prophesy in your name? Didn’t we force out demons and do many miracles by the power and authority of your name?’ Then I will tell them publicly, ‘I’ve never known you. Get away from me, you evil people.’

I definitely want to be known by you. Thank you for coming into this life that you gave me. Thank you for being love. Thank you for your peace. I love you. I see you.

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