Morning Star
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August 19, 2022


Good Morning Yahweh. Thank you for the wake up call. Something interesting happened last night. I fell asleep. Lol. Yes, I do usually fall asleep, but despite my fear of cutting the ropes completely. After the thoughts of the ramifications to my family, bills etc. I actually slept at peace. Didn’t even dream. Thank you for everything. Thank you for your watchful care and your direction. Thank you for trusting me and for the grace to trust you. This is me. All of me. No longer petrified me. Just me. Thank you for who you are and the love, your love for me.

Yahweh, you deserve the praise. You are the only one worthy of all the praise. You’re my God and King. My Saviour and Lord. And you have complete reign in my life. Cleanse me Yahweh of all my uncleanness. Wash me and I will be whiter than snow (according to your will – cause you know I love my black skin). Yahweh, I pray especially for this church community. The leaders. I lift each up to you, especially the head. I pray that their decisions will be to glorify you. I pray that they will trust you, that they are allowing you to lead them so that they would lead the church into you.

I sense a breaking. I confess that I could be wrong. But something seems like it needs to give, whether by force or by choice. Help us to trust you with whatever is coming. Help us to trust you with whatever is coming. Help us to hold on through the storm: to not abandon the ship even if it seems like – huh – even if it will wreck. We will be saved once we stay where you’ve placed us. Thank you for your guidance. Not my will Yahweh. Your will be done on this earth as you have decreed in heaven.

Remember this family. This household. Bind us together – to support, to love each other as a family in you ought to. Help us to show that love to others. To shine your light. Protect us and strengthen us in you. To trust you, to have our complete confidence in you. Thank you for your provision, your love and care. I love you.

Romans 15:13 – May God, the source of hope, fill you with joy and peace through your faith in him. Then you will overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.

The Power of the Holy Spirit

You know there are days when the verse of the day encourages, but there are days when it speaks directly to the situation. Today it does. The God of hope (that’s you) will fill with peace and joy. Yesterday was Isaiah 26:3-4 and sometimes I see (but only in glancing back) the hints and the level of preparation that you are doing for the things that you require of me. Thank you for your guidance. For being by my side. My vanguard and my rear guard. Thank you. Shalom, you make me smile.

Living in the Overflow – People and Songs

Thank you Yahweh. An overflow of joy, peace and hope. An overflow of your spirit. Man alive, that is an awesome thought. An overflow of your spirit.

Your Holy Spirit: that also is in me. And the thing is I often wonder if he is in me, but it’s something that I have to accept and believe in. This morning everything just keeps coming up Holy Spirit. The verse of the Day. Logged in on one account – first thing, Holy Spirit. Different device, different account: Holy Spirit. Thank you for Holy Spirit in my life. In me, around me. I pray that we all feel your presence. Live in your presence. Grow in your presence.


  1. We cannot be anchored without the Holy Spirit.
  2. The Holy Spirit is a person.
  3. The Holy Spirit is my help.

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