Morning Star
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May 29, 2022


CONFESSION: I am a little weirded out by the reality that I slept through our usual meet up time and I don’t know what to do. There wasn’t even a drowsy wake up. It feels monumentally strange. 

Good morning Yahweh. Thank you for rest and for waking me up this morning. Thank you for your grace and your love for me. For this house. For this community. Thank you for who you are. 

It’s a new week. Omg!! It’s seven days to the launch date!!! Armmm, did I do everything I’m supposed to do? I am not even sure. I’m scared and excited and nervous and so many things combined that I don’t even know how I feel. I can do all that you’ve called me to do because of you. I made a slight change because as I said it to myself, it became obvious that yes I can do all things to do, but are you calling me to do all things? Not sure why the sudden desire to be so specific, but I do desire to do what you have called me to do. Not any and everything that I may feel a liking to, though I do know that not everything is about being called and that we are able to enjoy life and live life in the in between. By that I mean that I don’t believe that you would micro-manage every moment of our lives. You prepare a table before me and then allow me to choose.

Thank you for the way you treat us. Thank you for making preparation for us. Thank you for desiring the best for us. Thank you for who you are and for shaping me into who you required me to be.

I’m curious. Do I get a new name? I’m not sure why the thought came to me. I know we get new names when you return, but there are so many whose name you changed before that that it made me wonder. I’ve always been fascinated with names and their meanings. And I do believe that they are important to you also or you wouldn’t change someone’s name at time and you definitely wouldn’t be giving us all new names when you return. Thank you for your promise of your new name. I must confess that I do like the ones I have now – as in what they mean and I can truly see where they are actually aligned to who you have asked me to be in the past and who you are calling me to be in the now. I pray that I will live true to who you desire me to be and that your name would be proclaimed all over the world. Because in all seasons, at all times, your name is what is most important. Your name is above all names. 

Thank you for sharing all that you are through your name. Thank you for shaping us through your name. Thank you for the promise of a new name. And I pray that no matter what we face that we will keep on faith in you. That I will trust you, because you are faithful. God above all. Name above all names. I love you.

CONFESSION: I did not always like my middle name. In truth I kinda low key hated it. But as I grew older, I accepted it and I grew to like it. But I don’t think I ever looked up the meaning of the name and remembered it the way I did with the other names. I just checked it out. I like what the name means. All of its meanings. Thank you.


Meaning of my Names


I have to smile when things like this happen. Talking to Vie this morning and somehow (lol, somehow), we got on the topic of names. And no I did not bring it up. At that time I was also working on my “name” drawing. I was thinking of looking up people in the Bible whose name was changed. They are of course very well known ones and I kind of wanted to see who else was there. I guess we’ll see what I discover. 

Low Energy

Got to be honest though, my energy is low. I am still recovering from the flu. I’m hoping to post and type today, but if I don’t, it’s okay because the body needs rest. And I’m convinced that I’m hungrier these last couple days than I usually am. 

Sooooo. Watching Star Trek:TNG as an adult is quite interesting. In the sense where there were a lot of things that went completely over my head that are now hitting me on the head this time around. Like the fact that Picard was perpetually single but somehow had a lineup of past romantic interests. That episode that for some random reason had a man wearing a dress just standing there. They always showed the tractor beam in action and despite the fact that they were able to cure diseases of dead and cryo-frozen people, there was still however (very conveniently) that one disease that somehow was terminal. 

And Data is not an it. Just saying. 

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