October 26, 2022
There’s a song that says, “I miss my time with you” and for some reason the song is on my mind this morning. Though I changed the words slightly to say, “I like my time with you,” and I really do. It’s super early in the morning when so many others are fast asleep, but not us. It’s quiet during this time. It’s peaceful and it does feel like our special time, like you’re waiting just for me for us to go walking through the spiritual garden together.
Thank you for this time with you. There’s another song that is going through my head but only one line properly, “…but your love still remains. It is so! It is so!” I’m not finding the song and Dr. Google isn’t finding the song. So I searched for just, “It is so,” and a song by Elevation Worship came up. It’s not the song, but I love the words.
“In every season, your purpose is unchanging.
In every moment, you’re working for my good.
Jesus the rock that never fails
Your kingdom will not be shaken.
Your kingdom will not be shaken.”
Thank you for never failing. Thank you for who you are. What you say will always come to pass. It is so.
You promised to send your son to save us and it came to pass.
You promised to never destroy the world by water again and it came to pass.
You promised to redeem the years that the locust had stolen and it came to pass.
You promised that David would be king and it came to pass.
You promised that Abraham would be the father of many nations and it came to pass.
You promised that Hannah would have a son. And it came to pass.
Thank you for always speaking the truth. Thank you for always fulfilling your word.
You are a great and awesome God!
And I just found the song!! It was kinda funny though. I started singing what I thought was another song: “You’re the God of the promise, every word is yes and amen” and as the song came up, I was like, “This is the song from before!” but I had gotten a couple of the words “wrong” from before. It should be, “but your promise remains. We say it is so. It is so.” But you know what? We cannot separate your love from your promise. They are so intertwined that it’s not possible to tell the difference.
Your love = Your promise
Your promise = Your love
It is so.
Thank you for the completeness of who you are. That one aspect of you automatically brings the rest of you. Because you have said, “it is so.” Thank you Yahweh. You are your word. And you remain. Thank you for standing fast. For not leaving this world to its madness. Thank you for being the God, the only God who keeps his promise. Every word that you speak comes to pass. Thank you for your love promise, that is the ultimate guarantee. Thank you for the all of you that you have promised we will spend eternity getting to know. Thank you Yahweh. I love you!
God of the Promise – Jubilee Worship
Acts 2:21 (KJV) – And it shall come to pass, that whosoever shall call on the name of the Lord shall be saved.
Isaiah 65:24 – And it shall come to pass, that before they call, I will answer; and while they are yet speaking, I will hear.
So we know that you don’t need our help. But my question is…(btw, so many times when I start to ask a question, I start to laugh and wonder if I should finish writing it because the answer came already). How do you know if we’re “helping” you or following your commands that will lead to the fulfilment of your promise?
Scenario: Abram and Sarai had received a promise and after thirteen years supposed that they would “help” you by Abram having sex with Hagar.
The answer: any suggestion/help that is outside of the definite commands of God are definitely not helping, not what he wants. Why would Yahweh ask you to commit adultery? Or lie? Or Cheat? Or manipulate? Or threaten? Then you know it’s not of him.
Sigh. So about my non-existent file. I’ve been torn between “just” waiting to see if Registry produces the file and writing to the head asking for my file indicating that I can’t get approval for leave or gratuity or any of those things because my file is not being brought up. And as I’m writing the above, I realise that writing to the head would basically be me threatening. And I don’t believe that is of Yahweh. He may ask me to do something, but I’m not sure what it is yet. I truth that I will know when the time comes.