Morning Star
Spread the love

April 20, 2022


Isaiah 59:1 , 2 – The Lord is not too weak to save, or his ear to deaf to hear. But your wrongs are separated you from your God and your sins have made him hide his face so that he doesn’t hear you. 

Yahweh, you are strong and mighty and you can save us. Cleanse me of all that is not of you. Wash me and remove every stain from my heart. I am yours. 

Yahweh, remember this nation. We have walked away from you, the leaders have walked away from you. There’s fear in the streets, vice everywhere and few who seek your face. So few who choose to honour you. We are corrupt as a people and evil is rewarded instead of good. Evil is rejoiced at and called good. We seek first to deceive rather than speak the truth. We seek to harm rather than lift up. 

Save us Yahweh from ourselves. I know that you don’t force anyone, but you are our sovereign God even to those who don’t want to accept you. You are God and that does not change. Yahweh turn the hearts of men towards you, help us to choose you. Save us from our sins and make your face shine on us. We don’t want to keep working in darkness when you are the light.

Turn the heart of every man, woman and child in this country. Touch them and may we be restored to you. Help us to rise up and call you blessed. Help us to cease oppressing and searching after vainglory. Yahweh, we need you. We need you. Save us because we can’t save ourselves. Let our prayers be as sweet incense to you and let our hearts rejoice at the breaking of the day. The breaking of strongholds in our lives that is not founded on you. The breaking of any altars that are not dedicated to you. The destruction of every bad book and every room that is open to spirits that are not from you. There is only one God, one Spirit and that’s you. Let every heart be bound to you so that we can be saved. This country can be restored.

Touch our leaders. Instill in them a heart that is on you. They say a fish rottens from the head and every time the Israelites went astray, it was because their leaders did not serve you. Help them to serve you in Spirit and in Truth. In private and in public. It’s not enough to call your name at a press conference but denying you in secret. Set them on fire for you, so their steps would be true, their lives would be true, the decisions they make on behalf of the nation be honourable and bring you glory. 

Save us Yahweh as only you can. Restore the hearts and minds of the men of this nation. There is so much perversion that it’s scary. Cleanse them Yahweh, restore them to their rightful place with the right heart. Remove the spirit of depravity and perversion that is running rampant. Send them back to Sheol where they belong and let the sun rise on this nation once more. You Yahweh will have the victory. One nation under you – no division, no corruption. Under you. Thank you for your promise to save, to win the victory, to pay back your opponents with wrath and to save us.

Thank you for never leaving us even when all seems lost. Thank you for saving us. Thank you for choosing us as your people. Yahweh, don’t let us go. Hold unto us and may we rejoice in you. You are the only living God. You are the only risen King. You are the Alpha and Omega. You are God. 

Thank you for saving us. Thank you for your protection around us. You are my God and I worship you. I honour you because you alone are worthy. You alone are God. You are my sovereign King. My father and my friend. I love you.

Isaiah 59:21 – “This is my promise to them,” says the Lord. “My Spirit, who is on you, and my words that I put in your mouth will not leave you. They will be with your children and your grandchildren permanently,” says the Lord.

Thank you for your promise. 

Sovereign: A supreme ruler. Possessing supreme or ultimate power.

God’s absolute right to do all things according to his own good pleasure. I’m glad that you are the sovereign God, because you are good in your sovereignty. You are kind in your sovereignty. You desire what is best for us in your sovereignty. You have absolute power as you alone should. Because on this earth (as they say), “Absolute power corrupts absolutely.” But not you. You are perfect in all your ways. You reign in majesty. You are clearly the true king because you do not change. You are the same on the cross as on the throne. I am thankful for that.

Psalm 140:6,7 – I say to the Lord, “You are my God.” Hear my cry for help, Lord! My sovereign Lord, my strong defender, you have protected me in battle.

Thank you Yahweh for being sovereign.


It is to you I give the glory 

It is to you, I give the praise 

For you have done so much for me

And I will bless your holy name.

It is to you Holy Father, no one like you.

And I will bless your name. 

Bless your name.

Bless your name forevermore.


Mango Fall

Oh my Father. Thank you. My heart just stopped there for a second. Heard this loud bang and wondered if something dropped off the car. Heart rate slowed down when I realised that it was a mango that had dropped from a tree and hit the car. Big relief. But I pulled to the side of the road as soon as I could to check the car, because falling fruit have rented vehicles and broken windshields before. 

Exhale and thank you Jesus. There were no dents, no cracked glass. The mango had hit the car but there was no evidence.

And I don’t mean to sound super spiritual but ain’t that Yahweh? Things may hit us unexpectedly, things that could damage us, but by his grace, there are no scars. Hallelujah!! (Caveat- this happens mainly when we are moving the way we’re supposed to).

Snake on a Desk

Today seems to be the day for excitement! Went to one of my officers before we were to have a meeting. Low and behold a (small) snake is sitting pretty on the partition of his desk. Nope. He had no clue it was there either. I left that room so fast! Sorry, not sorry. I know that snakes have a place in the ecosystem but prefer that they are nowhere within my realm. 


And I now understand why some of these FB pages have such weird categories in comparison to what they actually post about. The options are so limited.

Spread the love