August 15, 2022
I pray you’ll be our guide and watch us where we go,
And help us to be wise in times when we don’t know.
Let this be our prayer when we lose our way.
Lead us to a place, Guide us with your grace.
Give us faith so we’ll be safe.
Yahweh, our safety is found in you. Only you. Some trust in horses. Some in chariots. Some in money. Some in friends. Some trust in their knowledge, some in their connections, but I will trust you. Yahweh, I wish that I could say that everyday is easy because the waves at times are crashing all around me. But whether easy or hard on that day, I want to trust you. I will trust you. I will trust you to save me and to keep me safe. I will trust you to guide. I will trust you in season and out of season. Yahweh, today is a new day. I pray for your grace and provision for today – that my words will be tempered with love. That I will rightly represent you. No fear in you. You are my hiding place. You are my provider. Thank you for who you have been in my life. For the strength to thrive each day. To walk in your will. To be your disciple. Help me to remember that grace is not earned. That no matter how “perfect” I live, it will not save me. It will not provide. It will not heal. You do. Not me. And I know that and then there are days when I slip into “well I need to do this and that because…” and it’s not of you.
Cleanse me Father of my selfish desires and help me to grow more and more like you. Your will, not mine.
Psalm 143:10-11 – Teach me to do your will, because you are my God. May your good Spirit lead me on level ground. O Lord, keep me alive for the sake of your name. Because you are righteous, lead me out of trouble.
Psalm 119:114 – You are my hiding place and my shield. My hope is based on your word.
When you speak, it comes to pass. It is your name, your identity. Thank you for speaking over me. Thank you for your grace.
Psalm 16:6 – Your boundary lines mark out pleasant places for me. Indeed, my inheritance is something beautiful.
Thank you for your promises to me. Yahweh, I ask for wisdom to maintain and multiple whatever you have given me and what you will give me. The truth is, you’ve placed me where I am, so I will trust you to provide. I will trust that whatever happens will be what you desire. Help me to work diligently for you: to honour you at all times. Let your will be done in my life. I love you.
Psalm 16:7 – I will praise the Lord, who advises me. My conscience warns me at night.
Singing: I will bless the Lord at all times. His praise will continually be in my mouth.
Psalm 16:8-11 – I always keep the Lord in front of me. When he is by my side, I cannot be moved. That is why my heart is glad and my soul rejoices. My body rests securely because you do not abandon my soul to the grave or allow your holy one to decay. You make the path of life known to me. Complete joy is in your presence. Pleasures are by your side forever.
Yahweh, I pray for: I truly don’t know what to say right now. Help me to focus on you and to trust you.
Galatians 6:8 – If you plant in the soil of your corrupt nature, you will harvest destruction. But if you plant in the soil of your spiritual nature, you will harvest everlasting life.
I went looking for this scripture. I heard it yesterday and then reading Psalm 16:10 where it spoke about death and decay brought it back to mind. Yahweh, help me to sow in you. In what you desire me to. To trust not in the physical, but in you. Thank you Yahweh for you. I love you.
Yahweh, did you know that there are only four more months in the year?!! Wow. Thank you for never leaving me or forsaking me. And clearly you enjoy what appears (to us) to be challenges. Because I’m here eagerly awaiting to see how you working things out. Bated breath. Thank you. Huggggesss. Btw. There is a lot of hugs to make up. A lot. I miss hugs.
He is My Strength
They are wondering why their attacks aren’t working. Why am I still standing? No matter what they do to delay and stop. But the joy of the Lord is my strength (Nehemiah 8:10). He is there guarding me and I will rejoice in him. He is my strength.