March 26, 2022
- Playing games with the family.
- Sharing food with people.
- Rest.
Thank you for each day that is spent with you. I’m feeling the need to sleep but not the desire to sleep. I think some Saturday nights you just want to do something. Lol. Not sure what I will end up doing, but I will not be leaving my house. Thank you Yahweh for your encouragement. Looking at the roles of each member of the Triune God and the Father is amazingly responsible for:
2 Thessalonians 2:16, 17 – God our father loved us and by his kindness gave us everlasting encouragement and good hope. Together with the Lord Jesus Christ, may he encourage and strengthen you to do and say everything that is good.
The thing is, I am becoming more aware of who God truly is (not necessarily how he is preached), but rarely do we associate the Father with comfort and encouragement. Discipline? Without a doubt (and yes that is sad). We are so quick to see the Father in one way that it’s so easy to overlook other aspects. The original Greek word: paraklesis means a calling to one’s aid, encouragement, comfort. A personal urging. Emphasis on personal. How can the Father be personal and not be close? How can he be close and not comfort? He can’t because he loves us. I find it funny the scripture didn’t mention the Holy Spirit in this iteration considering that they are called the “Comforter.” But I am so happy to see the many aspects of you and to experience it. Thank you for who you are. I love you.