"Speak up" in white letter with gold background
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February 28, 2023


3:10 am 

Good Morning Yahweh. It’s a new day. I think I always celebrate the last day of the month as it shows the passage of time. Not that time isn’t flying all the time, but there is something special about the end of the month.

Yahweh, thank you for your Spirit and your grace in my life. Thank you for your love. Forgive me for every thought that is not yours, every action.

Last night was a struggle. That I lost. Help me to remain fixed on you. Help me to trust you in all things. Yahweh, I pray for our department, that we will grow, that we will learn, that we will get a new building location. Thank you for the way that you have provided. Yahweh, be my champion. Thank you for being my champion. For watching out for me when no one else does.

So question that I definitely don’t need an answer for: is here my final work place? Just curious. There is so little (like none) room for advancement that it almost seems like a dead end. But I do know that in you there are no dead ends and I know that I am here for a reason. I pray for your continued grace and favour. For your direction. Your spirit to cover us – to fill us, so that we will work as unto you and not unto man. Thank you for your love and all that you’ve done for us. For who you are.

Yahweh, I need help. I need to be able to go back to the gym. The actual gym. This walking for exercise kills my spirit. Making it worse, I don’t lose a pound doing it. Help. I pray for providence to be able to exercise in the gym again.

Thank you for your grace and your love. Thank you for a new day. I love you.

Yahweh, very real problem for me. Please help. I’ll admit that I am a physical person. I know that your timing is perfect even with the knowledge that I may not understand your timing. I’m struggling with my desire for companionship. And that’s the sanitised version. I don’t know how others were able to ignore their feelings, but I’m struggling. I know that marriage isn’t all about sex, but it is the only sanctified area for sex and the truth is I’m burning. I pray for your direction, your deliverance. Your covering, to keep me in your will.

To remain under your covering until you call me to step under another. Truthfully that came out weird. But I think you know what was meant. Help me. Him also to keep fixed on you. Not with blinders on, so that he misses me completely, but with you as the centre. Help us to honour you in all things. This is my prayer in Jesus’ name. Amen.

1 Samuel 13:14 – (GW) But now your kingdom will not last. The Lord has searched for a man after his own heart. The Lord has appointed him as ruler of his people, because you didn’t follow the command of the Lord.”

So I love when another perspective is seen in scripture. It doesn’t negate the previous facet discovered, but adds to it. David was a man after God’s heart because despite his mistakes, he was constantly seeking Yahweh’s heart. He was “running after” who Yahweh is.

Psalm 27:4 – The one thing I ask of the Lordthe thing I seek most— is to live in the house of the Lord all the days of my life,     delighting in the Lord’s perfections and meditating in his Temple

He always sought after Yahweh. No matter what was going on, he sought to gaze on the beauty of Yahweh.

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