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July 28, 2022


This evening is another meeting. Yahweh, I pray for your spirit to fill that meeting. That our hearts (even mine, especially mine) will be surrendered to you. Help us to move in your will.


That went well. And if you didn’t catch the sarcasm, Imma try again. That went sooooooo well.

Yahweh, I am not questioning my assignment – I’m going to rejoice in it. Here’s my problem though, you (and I) spent such a long time helping me to sleep and part of that requires that I am winding down by 8pm. I got home from this meeting at 10:50pm. Had to wash down the yard, wash my face and feet and then start to wind down. So my question is: am I really supposed to go to these meetings? Because it’s hard to wind down after and once I’m up past a certain time, it’s difficult for me to fall asleep.

The day is over though. I am alive and well. Happy dance. I mostly kept my mouth shut, but there were times when it got out of hand and I had to say something.

Right now I’m listening to two pastors tell Dad jokes in a Dad jokes battle. Because I want to detox my mind. But I also need to say, thank you! I’m alive! In my bed. I could have been dead. Sleeping in my grave. But you kept me to see another day (the end of another day). I can’t remember who sang the song though. Ohhhh. Deitrick Haddon – Sinner’s Prayer.



  1. The morning run around to get gasoline in the vehicle. Truth be told, I had to laugh. Went to one gas station, they weren’t accepting cards. Went to the next – they were closed. Had to find an ATM and then still ended up at the first station.
  2. The meeting. I keep reminding myself that everything has a purpose.
  3. Your compassion that never fails.
  4. Leviticus 1-15

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