Morning Star
Spread the love

November 17, 2022


This is the day that you have made. Thank you for being so good. You’re so good to me.

You’ve been my friend even when I wasn’t a friend to you. You’re an awesome, wonderful, mighty God. You’re my father, my brother, my Spirit. My all in all. Thank you for showing me parts of you everyday. Thank you for your never-ending, never-changing, everlasting love. Thank you for everything that you are. I love you. And I will choose to walk in your will. I will choose to do what you have asked. I am choosing to surrender my life as a sacrifice to you.

Yahweh, help it not to be lip service. I pray for our department. It is going through some pains and upheavals and a lot of it stems from one individual. I pray for Que. I do not know where her heart is, but I can only see her actions. I ask for deliverance for her. That the spirit that is in her that is not of you would leave and that she will allow your Holy Spirit to fill her. Touch her Yahweh, set her on fire for you. This discord that is being sown in our department needs to stop. It needs to be uprooted. Yahweh, rip it out: root and all and burn it in your cleansing fire. All the discord, back-biting and gossip. That is emanating from one. But you are mightier than that one. You are greater than all of us. You can save us. Deliver us Father.

I pray that the boss would make the right choices. That she will step up and do the right thing. During her leave, I pray for a double portion of your wisdom. To know. To  discern. To answer rightly. To be truthful and to represent you. Let your words be my words and your will, be my will. In the name of Jesus. Amen.


Thank you for your word in my life. Yahweh. I’m trusting you. Each day more and more, it  becomes obvious that it’s not about what I do or what I can do. I can’t save me. I can’t rescue me. It’s all you. Your grace. Your strategy. Your peace. Your love. And the more I try to figure out how to do it, the more you watch me like, really?

But I do learn. Thank you for softening my head and heart. I am yours. And I will walk in your will. I love you. Amen.

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