September 15, 2022
I am back at work. It was good. It is good. Several things were not done but I am thankful that we caught the issues in time. Thank you for placing me here. Thank you for your calling in my life. Help me to do this work to the best of my ability – as in you. Yahweh, I am thankful for the moves you are making in the background. The ones that we don’t see. Help me to keep my trust in you. Remember this department. Our needs are great, especially staffing wise. I pray for your guidance and grace to navigate this time at work. Help me to do all for your glory. In the name of Jesus.
You know, just working on a situation and actually saw the benefits of this logical brain of mine. While in my spiritual life it can be limiting if I’m not careful (major oxymoron), but remembering that worship does not take away reason, but can and should enhance.