Morning Star
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November 28, 2022


“The more things change, the more they stay the same.”

Good Morning Yahweh. The truth is, this thought came to mind. I thought back to a year ago when I was struggling to believe. When I would talk to you from the comfort of my bed. It became our place. I later changed and used a table. The change to the table felt so studious almost as though we were finally getting serious (we were totally serious before mind you). But this morning when I got up, I wanted the comfort of speaking with you from my bed.

In a way that though triggered so many other things like:

  1. I have changed. I can admit that. For the better (I have right?), but my bed is still my bed and is a place of comfort.
  2. I understand better the demands that life can make on a person that can momentarily push their usual priorities aside (including people). May not necessarily agree with it, but can understand it.
  3. The reminder that you are truly a constant in life.
  4. Some of the songs that I used that pulled me through have come back up lately. Not in a sad way, but they reminded me of where I’ve been and that while they don’t serve the same purpose, they are still here, they haven’t changed either.
  5. It’s important to believe. To believe that things can change. Believe in what you’ve promised. Believe in who you are and believe that you can accomplish everything you’ve said.


I think this is the biggest one for me.

Believing despite how it looks.

Believing though it hasn’t come to pass.

Believing when others have lost hope.

Believing when the physical looks nothing like the spiritual.

Holding on to that belief even though things look different from what I hoped for.

Knowing that you will work it out in your time.

Trusting you to work it out.

It won’t be by my might (I have none).

By my power (still have none).

But by your Spirit.

Knowing that you made it such that there will be no doubt at all that it is you. You who did it, is doing it and will do it. You who will get the glory. You, who deserve the glory. Thank you Yahweh for the who of you. For the promises of you. For the actions of you. For you.

I Gotta Have You – Jonathan McReynolds

This is the truth. No matter how things change. I gotta have you. I had truthfully forgotten this song and it came back to mind and the words truly are my sentiments right now and by your grace, forever.

“Your love is a guarantee in a world of changes.”

“You won my faith cause also when you picked my life up again and STILL became my best friend and now everyday…I gotta have you.”

This is truly my thoughts. Yes, I still need the physical friend and I know that desire is from you, but you are my best friend. You know everything about me and I no longer try to hide, the everything that you already know.

Thank you for believing in me. For turning my world inside out and picking me up. Thank you for your everlasting love and the confidence that I have you. Thank you for being an awesome God. Thank you for being my best friend. Thank you for you. I love you to you and back.

Philippians 1:6 –  I’m convinced that God, who began this good work in you, will carry it through to completion on the day of Christ Jesus.

Jeremiah 29:11 – I know the plans that I have for you, declares the Lord. They are plans for peace and not disaster, plans to give you a future filled with hope.

Confession: a year ago I did not believe this scripture for myself. Probably why you never “gave” it to me as a promise then. I had given up on hope. That you wanted good things for me. That it didn’t matter what I wanted, you did whatever you wanted and any desire that I had got shafted – it did not matter. I’m sorry. I really am.

I didn’t know you as well as I should have. I didn’t understand that you did fulfil desires but in the best time. I didn’t know that I had to wait because some of what you desired, that I desired, had an incubation period that could not be rushed.

Isaiah 30:18 – The Lord is waiting to be kind to you. He rises to have compassion on you. The Lord is a God of justice. Blessed are all those who wait for him.

Thank you for waiting. I will wait on you.

Wait on You – Maverick City

Fear is Not my Future – Todd Galberth

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