February 20, 2022
Thank you Yahweh. It’s a new week! Thank you for waking me up. You are so good to me, to us. You are my father, my redeemer, my friend. You gave up so much to save me and I am super thankful for that. Thank you for loving me and the ways that you have shown your love.
We wrestle not against flesh and blood and we seem to live in an age where everyone does what they feel is right in their own sight. We don’t choose to seek your counsel and it can make the world a scary place. But I know whom I believe and I know that even though the world may look like it’s spinning out of control to my eyes, you are in control. You didn’t put yourself through that on the course to kill us, do we have to choose you to live. The book of Judges ends with the most foreboding text. Talk about foreshadowing.Â
Judges 21:25 – In those days there was no king and Israel: every man did that which was right in his own eyes.Â
The scary thing about this statement: it comes right after the half tribe of Benjamin was almost wiped out for raping and killing the Levite’s wife. Just had to guess, they saw nothing wrong with what they had done and even when brought to task, they did not capitulate. And so even with their renowned fighters, the tribe was almost wiped out because they did not want to seek forgiveness for what they did. They did not want to admit wrong.
But to truly live, we need to follow who is right: not live by our own standard but the one set by Yahweh.
Proverbs 26:2 – Do you see a man who is wise in his own eyes? There’s more hope for a fool than for him.
… And a fool says in his heart that there is no God, but yet there’s more hope for him. That’s a sobering thought. When we become so puffed up that you cannot seek wisdom outside of yourself, we are essentially setting ourselves above Yahweh’s wisdom. Lucifer was cast out because he did that. He believed that he knew more than the God that created him and would not admit wrong. He is the father of pride and anyone that says he doesn’t need Yahweh’s wisdom is following in his steps straight to destruction.Â
Wisdom (or part thereof) is knowing that we don’t know everything. The wisest man said that he didn’t know everything. Jesus Christ in his humanity bowed to the Divinity of his father – he knew what was best.Â
Yahweh, I pray that we would seek you with a genuine heart, seek your counsel. Seek to learn of you and from you. There’s always a reckoning when we choose to do what is right in our eyes, instead of following you.Â
Proverbs 3:7 – Be not wise in our own eyes; fear the Lord and turn away from evil.Â
We have a father who is wise beyond measure. When we fear Yahweh, when we recognize that he is God and turn away from evil, guess what happens?Â
Verse 8 – It will be healing to your flesh and refreshment to your bones.
What has Satan ever promised that was for our good? This is Yahweh’s promise that when we seek his counsel and honour him, it is healing. I can just imagine refreshed bones (though you did that with Ezekiel). We also talk about being bone tired: so tired that the entire core is also tired. But when we trust Yahweh, rely on him, that tiredness goes replaced by strength. We allow him to renew us. We drink of the Living Water and water is life. When we don’t have to fight by ourselves we don’t have to worry, we can rest easy.Â
Today I will choose your wisdom over mine. Today I will let you fight because my eyes aren’t good (I do wear glasses, so they’re really not good). And if I do things in my own sight, I would miss the enemy and look like a fool. Lol and how is it better to be a fool than to look like a fool? Because Yahweh can change the heart.Â
God Protects Children and Fools?
Thank you for seeing the heart and moving in our hearts. In my heart. So many have renounced you in their foolish ways. Hmmm. There is a saying that goes, “God protects children and fools.” I wonder if there’s any scriptural basis for that saying.
Sooo. Not exactly.
Psalm 116:6 – The Lord preserveth the simple: I was brought low and he helped me.
It seems to (based on translation and other uses) refer to:
- Those who can’t help themselves.
- Those who humble themselves before Yahweh.Â
And I think that refers to children, especially babies because they cannot help themselves. Then there are those who are developmentally challenged, who cannot help themselves. Then there are those who know that without Yahweh we can’t do anything ourselves so we wait on him. He will help us. Thank you Yahweh for opening our eyes to you. That we want to choose to do our own thing, but that we would look to you. Thank you for your promises. Today is yours, guard my feet from straying.
We have church work today. It’s been a hot minute since we’ve had that. I hope folks come out, not even sure what we will be doing. Guess I’ll find out.Â
Lol. We went from Elvis to Larry. Though I could kind of see Larry. But Elvis? Nahhh man.