time with Yahweh during the day
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February 17, 2022


Today was a marathon paperwork day. I finally called it quits after 1:00. I needed to eat and breathe. I am thankful for the strength that you’ve given, thank you for engaging my mind to write the right things. For now I would take a moment or 10 and then head to the gym after work.

Question: how to get deep sleep? 

All the recommended things are part of my life, but quality deep sleep still is elusive. Help! I do not want to use any medication.

Mind Yuh Business

Ah weak right now. It seems that I have taken “mind yuh business” to a whole new level. LOL. So to address the anxiety issues I have, I check the news ever so often and I login to Facebook every couple days for a few minutes. I’m not on Twitter, Snapchat, Instagram none of those. Today I found out that the next island had no electricity for most of the day yesterday. And the truth is – that there is not one thing I could have done, but it was still funny that I had no clue until today. 

Annndddd!! I’m driving to the gym (no, it is not within walking distance) and I see a pair of slippers on the side of the road looking like somebody started to run and left their slippers behind. Lol. 

Sigh. When your workout have you beat: I just want to roll up in my bed (I don’t do floors no matter how tired I am).

Yahweh, thank you for stretching the gas in the vehicle. It’s going further!! Thank you!! 

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