May 2, 2022
Yahweh, thank you for another day. We go to bed every night and assume that we will wake up the next day. But tomorrow isn’t promised (well unless you did promise) and it is not something to take for granted. Probably (probably?!!) why you also say take no thought for tomorrow.
Yahweh, you are good. Of that we have the assurance: that you are good. Your mercies endure through all generations. When the day seems bleak, we’ll remember that you are good. When it seems like we’ve lost our way, we will remember that you are good. When it feels like there is no hope, we will hold on to you. Because you are good. Your plans are good. We may not know or understand why something is happening to us until you return, but we do know that you are good and we can hold on to that promise.
Forgive me Yahweh. For the times I have worried, for the times I’ve stepped outside your will for me. Cleanse me. This household. We are not perfect, but we belong to you. We surrender to you, to your will in our lives. I pray that we will choose to live for you everyday. To do what you have called us to.
Remember Cap. Heal him. Restore his body, his heart to you. Help him to remember that he is not the energizer bunny and that he needs to rest. Thank you for your promises. Thank you for your healing. Thank you for your love. You are so good.Â
Psalm 136:1-7 – Give thanks to the Lord because he is good, because his mercy endures forever. Give thanks to the God of gods because his mercy endures forever. Give thanks to the Lord of lords because his mercy endures forever. Give thanks to the only one who does miraculous things— because his mercy endures forever. To the one who made the heavens by his understanding— because his mercy endures forever. To the one who spread out the earth on the water— because his mercy endures forever. To the one who made the great lights— because his mercy endures forever.
Psalm 136: 23-26 – He remembered us when we were humiliated— because his mercy endures forever. He snatched us from the grasp of our enemies— because his mercy endures forever. He gives food to every living creature— because his mercy endures forever. Give thanks to the God of heaven because his mercy endures forever.
Mercy: checed – favour, goodness, kindness. Lasts forever. Will not end. It is by definition who he is. He cannot change. Thank you for being good, for covering us in your favour. Thank you, I love you.Â
His mercy: singular.
Everything that he does is in that singular good. Not his mercies – where some things he does are good and somewhere else his “not-mercies,” when things we don’t enjoy happen.Â
His mercy is forever.Â