Notes Soli
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Matthew 9:18 – A synagogue leader came to Jesus while he was talking to John’s disciples. He bowed down in front of Jesus and said, “My daughter just died. Come, lay your hand on her, and she will live.”

Matthew’s account of Jairus’ daughter is different. Also his account of the woman with the issue of blood. It kinda feels like a me, you and the truth type of story. Everyone’s perspective is different.


Matthew 10:5,6 – Jesus sent these twelve out with the following instructions: “Don’t go among people who are not Jewish or into any Samaritan city.  Instead, go to the lost sheep of the nation of Israel.

I’ve always had problems with the concentration on “bringing people to Christ” (evangelism), but minimal attention is given to those within the household of faith who need strengthening. So many times we watch as these people are falling away, but we need to preach to the “unsaved.” I’ve always felt that my “calling” wasn’t to those outside the Christian community though I do share the gospel to everyone), but to people within the faith. To encourage, to help, to draw into deeper relationship with Yahweh. even at my furthest times from Yahweh (or maybe because of those times), it’s something I firmly believed in.


Matthew 10:41 – The person who welcomes a prophet as such will receive a prophet’s reward. The person who welcomes a godly person as such will receive a godly person’s reward.

Hmmmmm. I wonder what this reward would look like?


Matthew 11:18,19 – “John came neither eating nor drinking, and people say, ‘There’s a demon in him!’ The Son of Man came eating and drinking, and people say, ‘Look at him! He’s a glutton and a drunk, a friend of tax collectors and sinners!’ “Yet, wisdom is proved right by its actions.”

The very definition of “can’t please people.”


Matthew 12:27 – If I force demons out of people with the help of Beelzebul, who helps your followers force them out? That’s why they will be your judges.

Ipso Facto – if they are accusing Jesus of doing that, then they must be casting our demons by Beelzebul too!!


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