Notes Soli
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Mark 12:14 – When they came to him, they said, “Teacher, we know that you tell the truth. You don’t favor individuals because of who they are. Rather, you teach the way of God truthfully. Is it right to pay taxes to the emperor or not? Should we pay taxes or not?”

Flattery. Beware of vipers and their words. They may be speaking the “truth,” but their hearts did not believe. If they didn’t they would move differently.

Mark 13:7 – When you hear of wars and rumors of wars, don’t be alarmed! These things must happen, but they don’t mean that the end has come.

Don’t be alarmed! I’ve often heard Christians say, pray that this doesn’t happen. But Jesus says they must happen. Not may, not could, but must. So instead we must pray for the strength to make it through.

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