February 9, 2023
2:30 am : in my bed
Dear Yahweh, thank you for a new day. Thank you for being present in our lives. Your grace, your love is sustaining and it keeps me going. Thank you for not being scared of imperfections. Thank you for planning for us.
Yahweh, cleanse me. Restoration is such an ongoing process. I pray that the choices that I make will be in accordance with your will. They would reflect you. Remember the youths and young adults in the church community. Yahweh, strengthen them – that they will trust you, unconditionally.
Ephesians 4:2 – Be humble and gentle in every way. Be patient with each other and lovingly accept each other.
Lovingly. Not grudgingly. Though this does not mean that we accept any old treatment from others. But it does mean that we extend grace when we are wronged. That we accept that no one is perfect. That we love one another.
Yahweh, help us to show your love in every situation. To everyone. Thank you for Holy Spirit in us, around us, on us. Thank you Yahweh. I love you.
Ps. While I may not yet see the effects of exercising again. I’m feeling it. It’s not painful, but the muscles are definitely saying thank you for the extra work. Yahweh, I pray for the discipline to keep it up. There are fifty more pounds to go. Would it make me happier? Well, reaching a goal will, but it would definitely make me healthier and that’s my goal. I need to be healthier to trying to prosper. The ministry, the business, marriage and children. I don’t desire to be huffing and puffing throughout all that. Thank you for your strength. I can do all things through you. Amen.