March 10, 2022
Love is worth waiting for. It’s easy to want everything right away, but love is worth waiting for. Jesus waited for the right time to come to earth. He waits for us still, because he loves us. The truth is, we all know that it’s worth waiting for, but our human nature wants to rush ahead. Yahweh, I’m gonna wait on you.
- Yahweh’s love
- The love Yahweh has waiting for me.
I was going to write more, but I just finished a book. In no way is this book biblical, but it drove home the thought, love is worth waiting for. I remembered how long Yahweh waited for me and I am so thankful. The third is left blank because everything just felt so insignificant under Yahweh’s love and that he waited for me. And he’s also teaching me to wait, because love is worth waiting for.
Sometimes miracles take time.
While I Wait by Lincoln Brewster