time with Yahweh during the day
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August 14, 2022


Man alive. I take a lot of things for granted. Tried finding a movie to watch online, but wasn’t quite able to. So had YouTube videos playing instead while working on the blog. Though my family uses Netflix more than me, it’s kinda weird not having access to it.

Jeffers asked what I was up to this morning. I said that I’m working on a project , but can’t say what it is. He’s convinced that he will be able to guess what it is. Told him that he won’t. Would he eventually know? Maybe. But not likely from him guessing. Steph was shocked when I told her because it’s completely outside of who I am usually. It’s not likely he would guess.


In a mood.

Yes, I’ll admit. I’m in a mood. I just shut off my phone completely. I’m going to sketch. I just can’t at the moment. Or rather I prefer not to deal at this moment and want to forget about the world.

the words "Love is Fearless" written in black and red



I’m curious. Why is entrepreneurship glorified? Why do we believe that everyone is called to be a business owner? And I always say that if everyone owned their business, who would work in their business? I’m tired of this rhetoric.

Sooooo. Sooooo. I’m slightly troubled by this sermon. It’s a lot of hype but not sure if there’s substance. The pastor is essentially saying that what Yahweh has called someone to do would be easy because they are covered by grace. Yes, Yahweh has blessed us and graced us, but he also prepares us to do what he desires of us. That preparation can take three months, three years or thirty years. The thing is, I kinda get what he’s trying to say, but it’s not true. Jesus himself has a difficult path to fulfil his purpose. Granted not our entire path is difficult, but the sermon seems to negate the preparation process that all of us have to go through. We are walking in grace. We are to multiply. We will replenish. But grace does not take away the work that we are also called to do.

Okay, this Pastor tripping. Some of his words are true, but others are so wrong. He said retirement isn’t mentioned in the Bible. The word retirement isn’t because the word itself came later, but the Bible actually gives examples of periods of work. The Levites and priests for example were actually only supposed to work from twenty-five to fifty. After that they were to be advisors. Not active duty. We need to be careful with our words. The truth is, when the older folks don’t step aside for the next generation to function, things become dysfunctional. Make it worse when they don’t want to advise properly. It mashes up everything. We aren’t called to be working constantly. (Numbers 8:23-24, Numbers 4:3, Numbers 4:23).

Now that being said, this applies to the priestly order and there are people who worked for Yahweh until they were laid to rest. I pray Yahweh that your words would not be used out of context. I pray that the work that I do will be unto you. For your glory. However long you have called me to work for.

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