The words "Stand Still" written in white on a purple background
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January 24, 2023


3:15 pm : at my desk at work

I will always love, hope to always love field days. Was out until 2pm but had to smile at one of the sites. Brought back memories and actually made me want to climb the tower myself.

Just so I remember what I’m talking about. There is an awesome tower that if I get to climb it would give the most spectacular view. Previously I did not want to climb it, but overcoming my partial fear of heights made it a place that I want to climb.  It tall though. Don’t know if I would make it to the top. But hopefully within two months time I would access to the tower!! Happy dance.


6:00 pm : at my desk at home

We have this hope that burns within our hearts. Yahweh, thank you for your hope, your peace. Your love. Thank you for always reminding us, me, of who you are and the promise of tomorrow. I don’t truly know how many times you reminded Abraham of the promise: the Bible records seven, but I believe it’s more. The times that you have asked me to keep hope alive have definitely been more than seven. Thank you for who you are. I love you.


7:07 pm : sitting in a meeting in church

Well, you are definitely speaking to me about tithes. Though what this gentleman is speaking of is incorrect. He said that tithe means to accumulate. But tithe literally means tenth. But by the grace of you, I will return the tenth.


10:15 pm : at my desk making a diary but needing to clear my thoughts.

Yahweh, why are we so careless with our words? Miya is moving for school and she was literally told by someone that it is selfish of her to do that. Instead she must stay here and do “God’s work.” But isn’t your work everywhere? I’m absolutely sad to see her go, but I’m happy that she is able to study what she wanted. Yahweh, I pray that she will continue to hold on to you and to honour you in all things. Keep her Yahweh in you.


12:04 am : finally in my bed. Diary finished, showered and in my fuzzy socks.

As I was putting together the diary I came across a quote. The funny thing is, I chose all the scriptures and quotes in the diary: all 300 and something, but I don’t remember all. But as I saw this one I had to make note.

“Faith – is the art of holding on to things your reason has one accepted, in spite of your changing moods.”  – C.S. Lewis.


And he’s right. Today I may be on top of the world. Tomorrow I may be sad, but still believing what Yahweh said. What he said doesn’t change based on how I feel: even when I feel it’s not working out.


What am I Thankful for Today? 

  1. Flagstaff!!
  2. Daily Diaries – the order.
  3. Being in my bed.
  4. Holding on to what Yahweh said.

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