Morning Star
Spread the love

April 17, 2022


It’s a new week, a new day. Can I be honest? (Sorry, of course I should be). It’s hard not to talk about you. It’s always just on the tip of my tongue to say what you have done and how you are using me and what you are teaching me.
I find it also easier to admit when I’m wrong. Or when I make a wrong step and correct it as soon as possible. Today I’m thanking you for you, for changing me and for working in my life and placing your spirit in me. Thank you for opening my eyes and my heart to you and to your amazing plans for me. I have to stop saying words like unbelievable, because they are 100% believable when I see through your eyes. Thank you for your plans not just for me but for all those who choose to follow you.

Yahweh, I bring before you “the men” and the men of this nation. The scripture, “men’s hearts are failing them for fear,” seems to be playing out before our very eyes. In the news we see men who are killing their wives and then themselves. Satan is trying to tear the world apart before you return, but you are God. You’re not a man or even an angel who is subject to the fancies of another. You are God. You are mighty to save. Yahweh, I pray for the men of this nation. That they would turn their hearts to you. Just the thought of a group of men, a nation of men who truly desire to serve you makes me want to cry because when that happens it means a nation would be blessed of you. It means that families would have the leadership that they are supposed to have. The men of this nation need you more than they need a fete, a drink or a lime. They need your spirit to pour out on them, fill them so that they choose to honour you in spirit and in truth.

I pray especially for the leaders of this nation. I ask that they recognise that leading the nation is not about securing their personal future or wealth, but about leading the nation into your truth. About desiring what is best for your people and working towards that. Cleanse them Yahweh of all that is not of you. Restore the hearts and minds so that every decision, every word would be weighed and found to be honourable. This is your land Yahweh, this is your people.
Like Moses prayed: Don’t destroy us so that those looking on will wonder about your divinity. Heal the people Yahweh. Heal this land. I pray especially for “the men.” They are your children, within them there is the capacity for greatness. But it must be tied to you. Bind them to you Yahweh. May their dreams and ultimate desires and goals be ones that are you inspired. You know them and the gifts you have placed in them. You know where they need to stand and where to sit. You know their insecurities and their strengths. Yahweh I pray that they will bring it all to you. Sanctify them that anywhere they walk, others would be blessed. That their words would draw others closer to you. I pray that they would choose you everyday and not just have a form of Godliness. That they would truly be your representatives here on this earth, rightly dividing the word of truth and teaching your word to all who they come in contact with. Strengthen their families in you and prepare their wives to be the helpmate that you desire for them.
Keep them Yahweh until you return. Your will in our lives.
You to honour.
You to heal.
You to be given all the glory.
Thank you for your sacrifice of your son to save us. You didn’t hesitate. You never hesitate. Thank you. I surrender to you because of who you are. You didn’t hesitate to save us, because of your love for us.
Help us to show that love in our lives. To love others in spirit and in truth. To love you and to live for you. Thank you Yahweh, I love you. Let my sacrifice be pleasing unto you.

2 Timothy 2:22-26 – Stay away from lusts which tempt young people. Pursue what has God’s approval. Pursue faith, love, and peace together with those who worship the Lord with a pure heart. Don’t have anything to do with foolish and stupid arguments. You know they cause quarrels. A servant of the Lord must not quarrel. Instead, he must be kind to everyone. He must be a good teacher. He must be willing to suffer wrong. He must be gentle in correcting those who oppose the Good News. Maybe God will allow them to change the way they think and act and lead them to know the truth. Then they might come back to their senses and God will free them from the devil’s snare so that they can do his will.

Yahweh, free us. Because of your love I’m free.
Free – Kirk Franklin
Free – Sonnie Badu

Thank you for your sacrifice of love.


Spread the love