Leviticus 4:6 – The priest will dip his finger in it and sprinkle some of the blood seven times in the Lord’s presence facing the canopy in the holy place.
As gruesome as reading about the sacrifices are, there is also such beautiful symbology that it can be tempting to perform them. But to do so would be to negate (or attempt to) what Jesus Christ did for us on the cross. Which begs the question: if as a nation the Jews still don’t accept Jesus as their Saviour, why are they not performing sacrifices all now?
Leviticus 6:13 – The fire must always be burning on the altar. It must never go out.
Yahweh’s fire never goes out. There’s the purifying, refining fire that burns hot. But then there is the fire that keeps us going. Keeps us connected to him. There are the times that it burns hotter to burn away anything that should not be there, but then it ebbs down and sustains.
Leviticus 10:19-20 – Aaron answered Moses, “Today they sacrificed their offering for sin and their burnt offering in the Lord’s presence, and look what happened to me. If I had eaten the offering for sin today, would the Lord have approved?” When Moses heard this, he was satisfied.
Moses did not understand why Aaron “disobeyed.” But Aaron also understood the spirit and what was truly required in that moment. It went against what was acceptable then, but it was approved by Yahweh. Moses humbled himself.