February 28, 2022
I don’t know how I am feeling at this moment. Sigh. Please let me know. Today I attempted to register the blog and it did not go through. I don’t know how to feel. Is this you saying that I’m not supposed to? Or are you saying wait a little while longer? Yahweh, I pray for your wisdom and understanding to follow you.
To move forward in your will. Truth is, in this moment there is disappointment but I do know that even when I don’t understand, you know and understand and it is for my good. Thank you Yahweh for leading me, for loving me. I pray for your direction regarding the blog post, your discernment. Thank you for your wisdom.
Leave me Lord, I will go.
You have called me.
I will answer.
Lead me Lord I will go.
- Good conversation
- Being made to wait and receiving new directions.
- Lost 2 lbs!! Happy dance.
- Yahweh’s grace.
Recognizing that you are always leading, always guiding. Thank you for your guidance regarding the blog: it’s for another day.
I took some time (not eons mind you) and I thought about it. And I realised that I’m not worried. I was eager with anticipation earlier, excited to the point of “scared.” I kept using the word afraid, but each time I did, it was like but it’s not fear. It was adrenaline though. Which is usually activated at times of fear and I kept thinking fear but I knew it wasn’t. It was excitement and then the adrenaline dropped. But as I thought about it, I’ve seen too many things for me to not believe. Yahweh has been guiding, and I will trust him.
I’m cold though. I actually have on socks, sweatpants and a sweater tonight. I hope I warm up. Thank you for your faithfulness towards me. I pray for the next Clint (no more kids ehhh, matter how much he asks). Keep him in your will. I pray that he will choose you.
Fruitful and Multiply
So I was listening to a sermon and the speaker said that if Yahweh commands then it is so. She spoke specifically about a woman who was barren who told the Lord, “You said be fruitful and multiply, so you need to make me fruitful,” and then boom (lol) two children. But then I started wondering, are all Yahweh’s commandments (not talking about the ten here) applicable to everyone? Because Paul as far as we know had no children. Neither did Jesus and many others named and unnamed. Then it had me wondering about his promises, because if someone can’t have/don’t have children it means that they’re (me) either living outside of Yahweh’s will or all his commands/promises aren’t for everyone that believes.
But I realised something. The same way Yahweh never performs a miracle the same way twice, we can recognise that his method for someone being fruitful and multiplying can differ from another. We need to be careful as ministers in the church. When someone hasn’t had a child and is presented with the fruitful and multiply text especially in the context of children (which if we’re honest is how it’s usually used), how are they expected to feel? Many would feel abandoned by Yahweh or like a failure. And so often go through expensive procedures just in the hope of a child. They often feel ashamed and pressured: what is wrong with me? Similar thing with marriage.
But this is a truth revealed. Being fruitful and multiplying isn’t just about making more children. Yes it is a part of it, but not all. And not everyone will be called to be fruitful the same way.
Genesis 1: 28 – God blessed them and God said to them, “Be fruitful and multiply, fill the earth and subdue it. Rule the fish of the sea, the birds of the sky and every creature that crawls on the earth.Â
Genesis 9: 1,2 – God blessed Noah and his sons and said to them, “Be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth. The fear and terror of you will be in every living creature on the earth. Every bird of the sky, every creature that crawls on the ground and all the fish of the sea.
Fruitful (parah): to bear fruit, grow, increase, flourishing.
Multiply (rabah): to be or become much, many or great.
John 15:16 – You didn’t choose me, but I chose you. I have appointed you to go, to produce fruit that will last and to ask the father in my name to give you whatever you ask for. Â
Matthew 7:20 – Therefore by their fruits you will know them.Â
We often class the “fruit” in Genesis by itself and seemingly always to children, but even then, Yahweh was calling for us to increase our fruit. In Eden, they still were to have the fruit of the Spirit and they had to bear much fruit and multiply. Create more. But not just children. Every time the command is given, it is immediately followed by the mention of the animals etc.
Being fruitful is not just about us having children, but even the animals have to be taken care of. They need to also do what they are called to do.
Galatians 5:22 – But the fruit of the Spirit is Love, joy, peace, long suffering, gentleness, goodness, faith.
Sigh. I have to pick this up tomorrow. An hour has passed and it’s way past time for bed. My eyes are burning. Thank you Yahweh for who you are to all of us. For not treating us with half measures but that all who believe in you can call on your promises. Thank you.