Morning Star
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September 1, 2022


Good Morning Yahweh! It’s a new day. A new month. The ninth month of the year. I cannot believe (facepalm) of course I can, but we are three quarters through the year! Thank you for keeping me and protecting me. Thank you for all that you have done for me and for who you are. You are my God and my king. You are worthy of every word of honour that I speak because you made the universe and inhabited it! You did that and made it look easy. So easy too, that some people think that the earth formed itself. But you formed the earth out of the earth. You made every aspect of it and called it good.

Yahweh, settle my mind in you at this moment. I feel disconnected. I pray for your Spirit to dwell in me. To use me for your will. Let your power flow through me and into those around me. May they see you in every vacation and every thought. Cleanse me Yahweh, let my heart be right with you. Restore my soul to you. Thank you for saving me and for your eternal power that keeps us.

Yahweh: what will you have me do? Which way do you want me to turn? Because right now I feel a bit lost. There is nothing I can do but trust you. And I don’t mean “but” in a belittling way, but in an acknowledgment of your sovereignty and you alone know what next is to happen. Yahweh, I pray for the strength to live each day for you. I pray for the strength to live each day for you. I pray for your grace to open my heart to all that you require of me. Baptise me Yahweh in the Holy Spirit until nothing is seen of me. Until every aspect of me is covered by you. That you are glorified. Even though my actions are imperfect, that you be glorified.

I pray for your church community, I pray that each day we will be drawn closer to you. That each day we will know that you are with us and what you require of us. The anniversary programme is underway: bless it, Father so that people are drawn closer to you. Help me to put aside any anger that I feel at times when they move a certain way and to focus on what you desire me to do. I pray for the leader of the church. Let her heart be in tune with you. That she dances and spins in harmony with your melody and not to a tune of her own making. Yahweh, confession, right now, everything feels discordant to me, but it’s not about me, it’s about you. I pray that it will be a sweet incense to you.

Thank you for who you are, Yahweh. An amazing father and a wonderful friend.

You are the King of Glory. Strong and Mighty. Heroic in battle (Psalm 24:8)

You are the King of heaven. You are true and right. (Daniel 4:37)

You are the King of justice. You love what is right and hate what is wrong (Hebrews 1:8-9).

You are the King eternal. You are immortal, invisible, the only God. (1 Timothy 1:17).

You are the King of kings and Lord of lords (Revelation 19:16).

You reign from everlasting to everlasting. You are my King and in you I live and move and have my being. You are worthy to be praised.


  • Create in me a clean heart and purify me. So I will worship you.
  • You’re worthy of it all. For from you are all things and to you are all things, you deserve the glory.
  • Cause everything you are, is all I’ll ever need. There is not a path I take where you cannot lead. How can I be less than what you ask of me? Cause everything you are is all I’ll ever need.

Yahweh, you are all I need. Thank you for being with me. For leading me and providing every time. For your love. For everything. You are everything and I will worship you no matter what happens. I will give you the glory. Though you may slay me, I will trust you. Because you are worthy of it all. And it is small in comparison to what you went through to save me. Thank you for being you. For being God of everything and though I don’t know what the future holds, I will trust you. Though I don’t understand why you may not deliver me, I will honour you because you are God. My God  and my king.


Glorifying Yahweh

Glorify: to make glorious  by bestowing honour, praise, or admiration, to light up brilliantly. To honour and praise as divine. To ascribe honour to.

Yahweh, I pray that every thought in my heart, every word from my mouth, every action, everything that I go through, will bring glory to you.



It is to you I give the glory. It is to you I give the praise. 

For you have done so much for me. And I will bless your holy name.


Yahweh, I cannot see past today. I don’t even know what today holds except pray, fast, collect robes.

I do not know how any bill will be paid. I do not know how the car will be moved. I do not know anything anymore. I do not know what to tell mom because she is inquiring. I do not know how I will make it.

But today, I will step out in you. Today, I will follow where you lead. Today I will trust you. Today, my heart, my words, my actions are to glorify you. Even if I fall, you won’t let me die. Thankyou for your promises to me, that you will never leave me nor forsake me. Thank you for who you are. I love you.


Psalm 24:7-10 –

Lift your heads, you gates.
Be lifted, you ancient doors,
so that the king of glory may come in.

Who is this king of glory?
The Lord, strong and mighty!
The Lord, heroic in battle!

Lift your heads, you gates.
Be lifted, you ancient doors,
so that the king of glory may come in.

Who, then, is this king of glory?
The Lord of Armies is the king of glory! Selah

So I just made my own sketchbook journal. I added more paper because resources are still not here. And I realised that it was as thick as the usual sketchbook. And I literally thought, “But I can add covers and make it official.” So just added hard paper to the back and a softer more durable paper to the front. Because I like paper and actually have these here already. Lol. Thank you for inspiring me.

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