time with Yahweh during the day
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January 2, 2022


Yahweh, thank you for your mercy and your grace. Thank you for loving me. At this moment, I feel a bit tired (my body needs to recover from the bed?), but I am thankful for what You have done and for who You are.

Yahweh I bring this neighbourhood before you. Honestly it feels to me as though evil is outweighing the good, but I know that in the end You have already won the victory. Be with this neighbourhood. I pray that your spirit would overshadow us and fill us anew. Let our lights shine. Let each person be drawn to you. I pray especially for Chico & Phil. I know that we all have our own choices to make, but I pray that they choose to live for You. Sigh. I’m not sure how I feel about them living downstairs for the rest of their lives, but so often it feels like they want to live off others without contributing themselves. But I do know that You work miracles and You restore and renew when it seems like all hope is lost. Let their lives be yours. Thank you for a place to call home. Let this neighbourhood once more be connected to you and to each other. Thank you, Yahweh.


Yahweh, more and more it is being made clear that it is just me and You. And I don’t mean the “just” in a belittling way, but emphasis on, I should not expect anything from others. I was sharing with someone that there are others who feel the same way I’ve been feeling about our youth programme not just being a “service.” There was nothing in my tone, but before I could continue, the only thing they could say was “why am I worried about it?” I wasn’t worried. I was actually excited and now I’m upset because lately they keeps dismissing a lot of what I say or ideas that I have as, “why I’m worried about it.”

I realised not too long ago that I didn’t really consider here a sanctuary anymore and I really don’t. Probably explains why I stay in my room so much. I don’t intend to share ideas or thoughts anymore. It’s the similar reception I get with Vinny & Cee. It may not be the best thing right now, but I will be silent. Because if I say anything, I’m deemed emotional. And honestly the constant dismissal is wearying and it has contributed to so much of my insecurities. I truly don’t want to be controlled by my emotions and I will keep working on overcoming my insecurities. Yahweh thank you for always listening. For always caring. For saving me. For not dismissing me.


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