time with Yahweh during the day
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February 4, 2022

Today was a “just try to breathe” day. Well part of the morning. After editing, questions of meetings came up and that took until the end of “lunch time.” CONFESSION: I actually don’t have a lunch time. 

Today however I was attempting to control my thoughts through breathing and mindfulness. The funny thing is: at times I would find myself thinking about the efforts to corral my thoughts. One of the people I met with, spoke about how busy their schedule was. I listened and then told them, I don’t intend to keep that type of schedule again. It causes too much damage to your body. Granted in his case, it is all things that make money for him. In my case, they were all non-profit things. I had to take like ten steps back. I had no time to even read a book. I don’t intend to do that again, not even for money. Because I will die and the work will continue. However, I do intend to bake the polish cake this evening for Friday evening dessert. I hope it is good.


I swear this cake does not want to be made. 

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