Spread the love

March 17, 2022



Jesus will provide! Jesus Will provide! When the cupboard is empty, Jesus will provide. 

This morning as I was about to make my smoothie, I realised that I could not find any flaxseed. (Singing) Searched high and low, couldn’t find no flaxseed. Looked all around, still couldn’t find no flaxseed. Usually, I buy and have stocked up, but it had finished and I did not realise it. I resigned myself to flaxseed less smoothies until I got paid in a couple weeks. But! But! I got home this afternoon and saw – flaxseed, pumpkin seeds and  sunflower seeds (yes, I use a lot of seeds), walnuts, almonds and cashews. I almost fainted. Dad had heard my lament and not just purchased the one I needed most, but he provided extra. And that’s just like Yahweh. He doesn’t just provide what you need, he gives you lagniappe. Jesus will provide! Jesus will provide. When the cupboard is empty, Jesus will provide. 



  1. Flaxseed and more!
  2. A home to come to
  3. Rest


Thank you Yahweh for today. For your strength. Your everything.

I went searching for a recipe for a carrot, pineapple cake and found a reminder of how much Yahweh loves us. We are his first love and that we can rest in his love. I don’t spend a lot of time in Song of Songs (I think most people don’t), but it is a truly beautiful expression of love (both God’s love and marriage). 

Spread the love