Morning Star
Spread the love

November 16, 2022


Jesus, Saviour, Lord.

Spirit, Comforter, Guide.

Father, Friend, Mentor.

That’s who you are to me. Yahweh. You are everything to me. You are God. You are my God and I love you. Thank you for your thoughts towards me. Thank you for being an awesome God.

Yahweh, your timing not mine. Your will to do. Your love to share. I will wait on you. In anticipation. Actively.

Thank you for everything. Forgive me for everything that was not of you. I pray that nothing separates me from you. Any secret or open sin that I am holding dear, help me to give up. Help me to honour you in everything.

Yahweh, help any thoughts to be fixed on you. To honour you. To trust you. Thank you for being God. I love you.


John 14:21 –  Whoever knows and obeys my commandments is the person who loves me. Those who love me will have my Father’s love, and I, too, will love them and show myself to them.”

1 John 4:19 – We love because God loved us first.


It’s the most circular of reasoning, but it also begins and ends with you. You love us. You show your love to us. We love you and show our love to you, by also showing love to others. Who show their love to you and then show their love to others.
Love is truly amazing. You are truly amazing. It all comes back to you. Thank you for being love. I love you.


Psalm 118:14 – The Lord is my strength and my song. He is my savior.

Spread the love