time with Yahweh during the day
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February 23, 2022


I am one of those people who don’t assign a food to a time of day. I’m having french toast for lunch. The AC guys came back, I’m truly hoping that they can fix it soon because cow-itch season is almost upon us and soon I wouldn’t be able to open my windows.

I am leaving the office and I’m going to sit in my car. It’s raining and my window is closed. My office feels like a sauna – I hate saunas. Why would anyone intentionally sit somewhere to sweat? I tried it once and said never me again: supposed health benefits be damned.

Jesus Problems

Sigh. Why we stop so? I spoke with a young lady at the gym and she said that many folks don’t think she’s nice. I looked at her and was genuinely puzzled and I said it has to be with your job right? She said yes. She has to review people’s projects and if there’s anything to be corrected she has to let them know. Unfortunately if corrections aren’t made, the proposal does not go forward. But there are people who believe that even with glaring errors, she must approve the project. I felt what she was saying, because the same thing happens at the office. People would be doing things that are illegal (!) and vex with you and call you all sorts of names and carry stories about you all because you don’t allow them to continue to do the things that are wrong. Why? We? Stop? So?!!!

But you know what I consider? They had problems with Jesus also and we know he did no wrong. So I take consolation in that and continue doing what is right.

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